Chapter 3 - The Boy

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I turned around and a cute, blonde haired boy had held of my arm. He looked around my age 15 or 16 maybe.

“You going somewhere?” He said to me with a little smirk.

“Somewhere out of this prison. You can’t keep me here”.

 He let go of my arm and stepped closer to me and the sides of his lips curled up in a subtle smile.

“well you’re not going to hold me in this place” I said.

“I’m not trying to hold you anywhere” he said as he held his hands up like I had pointed a gun at him.

“then why did you grab my arm?”

“I was making sure you wouldn’t do anything stupid”

“like run away?”

“yes” he said seriously.

“dude, I’m not 6 I can handle myself” I said looking at the door but having no intention to go out of it but acting like it’s my aim.

“okay then smart arse” he joked “where are you going to go?” he asked as he backed up against the wall with his arms folded.

“I know a place” I lied.

“don’t lie” he smiled standing up straight walking over to me “though you look cute when you bluff”

“I’m not lying” I lied once again

“okay then Miss I’m Not Lying, what is this place called?” he smartly remarked

“the… wall?” I made up.

“the wall?”

“yeah” I said crossing my arms

“Where is this ‘wall’ place?”

“In the town” I quickly replied knowing he would ask it.

“Right okay, would you show me ‘The wall’? I’m intrigued” he said looking at me with a smile.

“what do you want” I huffed as I gave up.

“I don’t want anything but I do know a quiet place that no one in this crap house knows”

“why should I believe you?”

“yeah you’re right, why would you trust a guy who has lost his parents and living in a care home?”

“sorry” I said awkwardly.

“shall we go?” he gestured for the door.

“fine, only because you made me feel guilty” I said as I walked towards the door.

But just before we could close the door a woman said to us “curfew at 7”. We both nodded and walked out smiling to each other. 

 “That’s Sam; she’s the care worker here, along with Paul” the boy told me.

“what’s your name then?” I asked realising I hadn’t asked him yet.

“Ryan” he smirked.

He had really brown eyes, but they were so bright and amazing to look at.

“Meg…” I started before I was interrupted.

“Megan, I know” he laughed.

“how did you know?” I questioned.

“Well Paul was shouting your name a thousand times when you darted off upstairs”

“wow, you saw that?” I blushed.

“everyone saw it” he laughed

“how embarrassing” I laughed back.

“you’re doing better than I did” he said.

“what did you do?” I wondered.

“jumped out the window and broke my arm”

“oh no” I said as I laughed. I looked over at him and he wasn't even smiling. So I stopped myself from laughing.

“sorry” I said once I realised.

“it’s okay, I was 6”

“aw, at least you were put in young so you didn’t know any better”

“yeah but I had to go thought the death of my parents”

“that’s true, sorry”

“stop saying sorry” he said as he smiled.

“sorry” I joked.

Just then he put his arms around me and turned the corner.

“why did you just do that?” I asked.

“we turned a corner” he said as if I was stupid”

“why did you touch me?”

He shrugged then smiled as I smiled with him.

We continued talking about the house that I have just been put into and then he stopped.

“Why have you just stopped?”

“up there” he pointed to a tree that had a ladder dangling down from it.

“Up there? Seriously? You want me to climb up there?”

“I’ll give you a boost if you want?”

 “Nah I’m good thanks” I said as I gave him a weird look and started climbing the mystery tree.

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