Chapter 17-The Operation

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It was early in the morning when Ryan left to have his operation. I was still tired from my file hunt yesterday/this morning. The annoying thing was I still knew nothing about him. If I was going to get him something, I would have to ask other people what he likes. The problem is. I’m not sociable and I haven’t spoken to over half of the house. If I was going to do this. I would have to be nice to them. Make them my friends. This is something I dread. I don’t want to be surrounded by ‘friends’ in a way, I am sor of using them, but they don’t need to know that. The only friend I want is Ryan. But I knew it was the only way. I couldn’t wait till tonight to ‘break in’ to the office again and seeing as he was out for a few hours, I could ask people without him knowing. I was kind of annoyed that I couldn’t go and support him. But this was a good thing.

I knew I had to get up. I wanted to say good bye and good luck to him before he left. I went down stairs in my pyjamas for the first time and saw him being wheeled to the front door. I ran down the last few steps thinking he would be gone by the time I got there.

“Wait!” I shouted to get their attention

“Megan!” he looked back surprised and happy. His face lit up as I walked over to him.

“Hi” I laughed out of breath from running.

“You okay?” he asked holding my arm.

“I’m great, how are you?” I replied still trying to catch my breath.

“Can we hurry this up please? We need to go” Paul interrupted

“Yeah sure” I agreed. “Look, I just wanted to say good luck” I said as I bent over to hug him.

“I’ll be fine don’t worry about me”

“Can’t help it sorry” I said as I shrugged and smiled.

“See you later” he smirked as Paul started to move him

“Bye” I said for the last time.

I saw the car drive off before I went upstairs and got dressed.

I rummaged through my wardrobe and realised I had no clothes. Well I had some, but only a few nice outfits. The one I arrived in was in the wash; however I wouldn’t say it was nice. I needed to go shopping. I realised that I had loads of money that I needed to get rid of. But I didn’t want to go. I wanted to be here for Ryan and I needed to ask people about Ryan. I saw a cardboard box under all the clothes. I pulled it out and looked inside it. It was clothes. Old clothes. Men’s clothes. My dad’s clothes. I wonder why I had them. Didn’t the social workers realise that these were my dad’s? He’s a big strong man. I am small and skinny. These would never fit. I went to tell Paul but he wasn’t there. He had gone with Ryan to the hospital. Sam was here though but I didn’t want to tell her.

Just then there was a knock at the door. I looked behind me where the door was in sight as it slowly opened. It was her. Sam.

“The step in care worker is on his way. Once he gets here I’m heading straight out so be nice” she said to me as I rolled my eyes and turned in the other direction.

She stepped into my room.

“You need to start listening to me. I am in charge of you remember”

“Please get out of my room” I said with a sarcastic smile

“I can do what I like thank you”

“Fine” I said as I picked up a pile of clothes that I left out on the end of my bed “I’ll go” I said as I walked out

“You come back here now!” she said trying to shout with her pathetic voice.

“I am not staying in the same room as you. It kills me. It bores me to death. So if you don’t mind, I’m going to go, away from you”

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