Everything Is Going To Be Okay

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A/N: Since the first book (Teacher's Pet) reached 75,000 reads today, I've whipped up a new chapter for you! Thank you so much for all the love and support over the last 15 months. I honestly wouldn't be here without you all. I read every comment you all leave, and I try hard to get back to most of you. I love you all. You have no idea.

Pregnancy has been such a challenging and emotional experience for the young Omega so far. Sweat and tears almost constantly covering the poor boy's cheeks, but he would go through hell for his pups. Louis' shift at the café had been a horrible one from the moment he stepped foot inside. Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones, or the omega had become irrationally touchy. His day started off with him waking up and immediately emptying the contents of his stomach in the porcelain toilet bowl. At that moment he hoped his day would get better; it didn't. The omega spent the first 15 minutes of his shift crying in Anne's office. As his pregnancy with the twins progressed, the small boy's bump continued to grow, and at 20 weeks pregnant he felt like a whale. He was at the point in his pregnancy where he couldn't hide his bump, especially at this point in the summer.

Louis tried on all of the available aprons, but each one felt wrong and uncomfortable. One apron couldn't wrap around the small boy anymore, and that caused the first wave of tears. That specific apron had always been a bit loose on him, but now he couldn't even tie it. The second apron dug too far into his skin and was uncomfortable, and when tied higher up, laid oddly over his bump. It hurt Anne to watch her sons' mate break down, so she did what any mother would do. She rummaged through her purse, her fingers immediately finding what she was looking for. She pulled out the small sewing kit out of her faux leather bag, placing it on top of her desk. The older omega took two of the aprons, cutting the ties from one and sewing it onto the other to make it larger.

Louis watched on, sniffling to himself as he tried to calm down. He watched Anne as she quickly moved her fingers, the sewing needle maneuvering at a shocking speed as the omega extended the fabric ties. She had learned how to sew from her mother when she was a young pup, and over the years had become pretty good at it. It wouldn't be as good as using her sewing machine at home, but it would hold up well until she had the time. "Here you go Lou, want to try this on now?" she asked softly, nestling Louis' face with her right hand, her thumb wiping away some of his partially dried tears.

The elder omega definitely understood these irrational seeming emotions, having experienced them herself many years ago. She was convinced this is what having Styles babies were like, so many different emotions ripping through you faster than a bullet. She watched on as Louis wrapped the apron around himself. His shaky hands made it a bit harder to tie, but he managed. "Are you still feeling okay? Or do I need to send you home to rest" Anne said after a moment, "I don't want you feeling nauseous while working. My boys wouldn't be too pleased with either of us". Her light, airy giggle made Louis crack a smile. He knew the omega could make you smile no matter what, and he was so thankful for her.

"I think I'm okay now. I just needed a good cry, but I'm done" Louis said as he rubbed at his face, making sure there were no more tears to shed. "Thank you for fixing up an apron for me. I couldn't have done that, I don't even know the first thing about sewing" he chuckled a bit as he shook his head. Anne's eyes met his, "did your mother never teach you these things?" she asked quietly. That caused the younger omega to turn his eyes to the floor, shifting back and forth on his feet. "No, not really. I kind of had to learn everything on my own. In some ways I don't even feel like an omega" he admitted.

He would never say his mother neglected him, but they didn't have enough time together for her to teach him how to be an omega. They were always moving, running away, trying to stay safe from his mother's bad choices. Whether that was drugs or shitty Alphas, the only thing he learned how to do was survive. He couldn't cook a proper meal, but he could pick someone's pocket by the time he was 5, never getting caught. He was good at football due to his stamina. Having had to learn how to be quick on his feet, being able to change direction at any time, to keep himself safe. He didn't know how to sew or do laundry, thankful that Harry was more than happy to take care of their home.

Teacher's Mate (Book 2) - Styles TripletsWhere stories live. Discover now