I Won't Let Them Hurt You

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A/N: Posting this chapter a day early since tomorrow is Thanksgiving for me (or one of the two Thanksgivings that I celebrate since I'm a Canadian married to an American).

Only 2 more chapters before the Epilogue, and I'm really going to miss writing this book.

Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians! <3

- Abi x


"Are you ready to go back to school on Monday?" the fake blonde asked as he pushed Violet on the baby swing. The park was near empty since it was around dinner time. The two omegas had started walking to the small park close to the Styles household. It was good for the pups to get fresh air. As the summer season started to come to an end, the babies were bundled up more. Violet was in a mustard yellow pair of lounge pants with a matching sweater, while Holly wore a light sage version of the same outfit. On their feet were fur-lined moccasins to keep their little toes warm from the steady, cool breeze.

"I'm not sure" Louis answered honestly, "I mean, I know it's what I wanted. But I'll miss being home with my girls every day" he admitted. The younger omega was pushing Holly on the swing. The older twin was screeching and giggling as her mum pushed her, "Mumma Mumma" the baby babbled. The pup had started saying Mumma a few days ago, not knowing what it meant, but it was just babbling at this point. It still warmed Louis' heart even though he knew she wasn't calling him Mumma. The twins were about 8 months old and every day they proved how smart they are.

"I couldn't even imagine being away from my little one" Niall admitted, looking down at the youngest pup who was sleeping in the stroller. Louis let out a quiet sigh, "it was easier when I wasn't so attached, but now, I hate going to the bathroom on my own, not that they really let me do that anymore" he smiled. The twins were fast crawlers and would follow the omega anywhere in the house they could get to. They were quick and could be very quiet. It was good they had four parents because one of them usually catches them trying to slip out of the room.

Violet and Holly both erupted in giggles simultaneously when they saw a man walking a puppy on the walking trail by the playground. The puppy's large ears flopped on the ground, causing the dog to trip over them. The twins really loved dogs and cats. Anne had a few cats and the twins were always crawling after them trying to pet and play with them. "Is that a puppy?" Louis asked in a cute voice, "their ears are almost as big as the rest of them, huh?".

The triplets were watching over their mate and pups from the park bench. Edward had been on edge when he received yet another manila envelope at work. These photos didn't include Sam this time. These photos were just of Louis and the pups. Since receiving those photos two weeks ago, the Alpha hadn't let Louis out of his sight, or the pups. One of the siblings was always with Louis and the girls, and now the three of them watched as the man with the puppy walked on by.

Edward nearly growled when the man had stopped to let his dog calm down for a moment. The man had stopped too close to the omegas and pups and the eldest triplet was ready to protect and defend the small group from anyone, even the harmless-seeming omega walking his dog.

When the man left, the Alpha calmed down a bit, settling down onto the bench between his brothers. Harry's arm rested on Edward's shoulder in a calming manner. "They're okay, Ed, we're all here. You can relax a bit, enjoy the late summer air or something" He tried to get his brother to relax a bit. It wasn't good for any of them to be stressed, and especially a doctor who has a higher stress tolerance, this wasn't good.

"I can't just relax. Our mate and pups are literally being stalked and I don't know why those kids won't leave Louis alone. What are they gaining from this?" Edward scoffed. The Alpha just didn't understand. He had wanted to report it to the police, but Louis had asked him to just leave it alone. He had assured the Alpha that the four boys would get bored and give up one day. They had nothing to gain, and if they wanted Louis scared, they wouldn't see fear in the omega. He was a strong pup, and a mother now, he couldn't fear something as silly as high school drama.

"Did you find out any information from Sam?" Niall asked as he continued to push violet on the swing. Louis had decided to talk to Sam about the boys and see if they knew each other. Maybe there was a connection. When the omega had brought up the names of the boys to the Alpha, he was shocked. "They're his friends from his football team outside of school" Louis sighed.

Niall's face twisted into a that of confusion. "Did he know they sent those photos?" he asked his friend. "No, he said he had no idea they did that. I think they only did it to try and force us to stop being friends. I never realized how controlling they were until now" Louis admitted. "Maybe he was in on it after all," Niall said with a pointed look, "he had to have known. They're supposedly his friends, why are his friends stalking him too? Is he still friends with them?".

"I don't know, Ni, I don't get it either. You're starting to sound like Edward though. I don't think Sam knew anything at all. He has no reason to lie to me. He has no reason to hurt me." Louis was tired of everyone around him hating on his friendship with Sam. The omega had forgiven Sam for his past and enjoyed their friendship. He felt like he could talk to Sam about anything and knew that the man had always been honest with him. Sam was his first friend outside of his mates. This was the first friend he truly made on his own and he couldn't lose him.

"Let's just drop it, Ni. I get it, you all don't like Sam anymore. But he's still my friend and I'm tired of hearing how much you all don't trust him" Louis was stressed by this whole situation, but he needed to keep a calm head on his shoulders. He needed to prove to the others that they could trust Sam.

"I understand that Lou, but I want you and the girls safe" Niall said quietly, "I don't want something to happen to you all. I still think you should have gone to the cops. They could handle this and your Alphas wouldn't have to play guard dogs all day, every day".

Louis turned his head to look at his Alphas, still sat on the bench. The three gave a small signal of acknowledgment, Harry waving, Marcel smiling, and Edward nodding his head. "I personally think it's great that we can all go out as a family," the younger omega said with a roll of his eyes, "They're just a little overprotective, but that's fine".

"A little overprotective?" Niall asked in shock, "Edward was going to tear that poor omega apart because he had stopped too close to us. I don't think this is safe for really anyone within 10 feet of you or the girls".

"I think you're being a tad dramatic there, Niall. I don't think they'd actually attack someone for being close to me".

Before he could continue, Louis was caught off by the growl that ripped through the air. "You conniving little twat!" the Alpha snarled as he and his brothers raced off of the bench towards their mate. Their feet kicking up sand as they ran over. Harry went to stand by Niall, Surrey, and Violet, Marcel standing guard by Louis and Holly, while Edward stood in front of the whole group.

Louis and Niall had no idea what was happening. In a split second after the Alpha's growl ripped through the air, the three Alphas were around them. Surrey was awoken by the angry sound, tears streaming down his face as he let out a shrill cry. Niall was nearly frozen in place but had snapped out of it and picked his pup up to comfort him.

Louis now noticed the two wolves who had tried to come into the playground, less than 10 feet away from the pups and omegas. One was an Alpha male, seeing him with the omega female had made him feel physically sick. The anger rapidly growing within the omega was intense. He had never felt such hatred for someone he had considered a friend. But this was a betrayal he never saw coming.

"Mommy" the small pup beside the woman started to cry. Her arms were tightly wrapped around her mother's leg, her face was now hidden against the fabric of her pants, "scary Alpha, mommy" she cried. "You're okay, Maisie, I won't let them hurt you". 

Teacher's Mate (Book 2) - Styles TripletsWhere stories live. Discover now