Bunny, It'll Be Okay

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The morning started with many tears. Today was Louis' first day back at school and the omega was finding it hard to leave his pups. He knew his girls were in good hands with their daddy, but the boy didn't want to get in that car. The twins were 4 weeks old and had grown so much in such a short amount of time. They were sleeping most of the day, waking up for feedings every 2-3 hours.

Marcel had been helping out with tummy time, loving to spend that time watching the two girls gain strength. The omega couldn't get onto the floor with them right now, so each triplet had been helping while Louis recovered from his C-Section. Harry has been helping Louis the most at night, Marcel had been at the university most days, so the middle brother assured him he had night covered. Edward was a godsend for Louis. The omega had been chest feeding and his nipples were always sore and cracking. It was painful, but the doctor was always there to help ease the pain and make sure his mate was okay.

"Bunny, it'll be okay" Marcel said with a small smile as they pulled out of the driveway. Louis could feel his heart shattering in his chest as they drove down the road. Every fibre of his being wanted to yell at his Alpha to turn around and bring him home, but he also knew that this would be good for him. Harry would be a stay at home dad during the day, and then he'd play at bars and clubs in the area at night and on the weekends. Marcel was able to carry on teaching at the university. Louis was going back as a student and as a football player. And Edward was allowed to continue working at the hospital. All of the mates were happy and the pups were thoroughly cared for by their parents.

"Violet and Holly will be good with Haz, you know that. He's got the pups and won't let anything happen to them" Marcel knew exactly how his mate was feeling. When he had gone back to work after the twins were here, it hurt to leave them at home, but Louis had assured him they'd all be fine. It's not like the family was hurting for money, they were pretty well off. The four mates could live off of what was in their bank accounts for years without needing to worry, but they all enjoyed their work and wanted to continue. "I know, I know" Louis said quietly, "I just miss them already and I hate this feeling".

"As soon as we're done with classes we can leave. I don't have any meetings today. Remember what Ed and Dr Wessex said at your appointment yesterday?" The alpha hadn't been able to make it to that appointment due to work, while Harry stayed home to do laundry, Louis and Edward took the twins to their appointments. Louis was cleared to start exercising again since he had done a bit of it with football. He was allowed to do some of the lighter drills, but wasn't allowed to play in games yet. He still needed to heal and be cautious about his healing incision.

"I know, I can practice, but I can't do anything intense. I know, Marce. If I still can't lift either of the twins, I know I can't run around playing football like nothing happened". With c-sections you can't lift things on your own, his doctors made sure he knew that. They didn't want him ripping his stitches out. The brothers had to help Louis when he wanted to hold the twins, but the Alphas didn't mind. They'd always help their mate.

"Just be careful, please" Marcel asked as they turned onto the road leading into the University. "I'll be careful" the omega nodded as grabbed his tablet from where it was leaning against the car door on his lap. He couldn't carry his bag around campus yet, so the Alpha had told him to bring his tablet to be able to do school work on it. Professors really didn't care if you did the work or not, it wasn't their job to make sure you did your homework. If you didn't submit your work, you would receive a 0. So Louis wasn't too worried.

"I'll see you later, Marce" the omega said with a smile, unbuckling himself before turning to kiss his older mate. "Don't overdo it today, Bunny" the alpha warned as he looked into Louis' blue eyes, "I'll see you later. Text or call if you need me, I'll make sure to keep an eye on my cell". As they said their goodbyes, both of them walking different ways, Louis became a little blue. He missed his babies and his mates, but he knew he'd be okay. It was okay to feel sad like this sometimes. Today was a big day and he had so many conflicting emotions.

"Tommo!" He heard his name being called from across the parking lot. The omega spun around to see his friend Sam walking through the grass, coming from the dorms. "Hey Sam!" The omega was really excited to see his friend. He hadn't had the chance to see any of his friends since the babies were born, he just had no time. With the babies coming early, recovering from surgery, his birthday, Christmas and then New Years, he was busy.

"How are you healing?" The Alpha had been kept updated by the Omega via text, as were their friends Kiersten and Niall. The four of them were in a group chat together. "My doctor said I'm doing good, she cleared me to start doing light football drills, so that's something" you could see the excitement light up in his eyes. "Oh mate, that's awesome! I was just headed to practice, will you be coming with?"

Kiersten couldn't help but gush over the new photos of the twins that Louis was showing on his phone. The three friends were sitting on the bench as Louis scrolled through his recent photos. "I can't believe they're already 4 weeks old. It seems like just yesterday you had them!" Kiersten always loved pups, but Louis' two precious ones were sending her head over heels for them.

"I'm honestly surprised you're back at school so soon. Did you get a nanny?" Sam asked curiously, he was sucha dumb Alpha. "No, my mate Harry wanted to be a stay at home dad, so he's taking care of the girls so I can continue my education normally. But I already miss them so much". "You're lucky your Alpha wanted to stay home, I didn't know one actually would" Kiers mumbled quietly, "you're very lucky your mates are as good as they are".

"I'm so lucky I have them, that's for sure. They're my everything". Louis loved his mates with his whole heart. Each Alpha was different, but perfect for him and he wouldn't have wanted anyone else. He still couldn't imagine why Amelia would throw this life away for someone else. Because in Louis' eyes, this was heaven.

Football practice was done and over quickly. The omega only did the simple drills that weren't hard on his body. He wasn't feeling any pain anymore where his incision was, so that was good, he didn't want to push himself today.

His classes for the day went by smoothly, being able to do all of his work on the tablet. A few classmates and professors congratulated him on the arrival of his pups. A few of them mentioned how shocked they were that he was back at school so soon after having the twins. Everyone was nice about it though.

"Good afternoon class" Louis heard Marcel start as he walked into class. He was huffing and puffing a bit. He just had to rush across campus. He swore he used to make it there faster, but he was a bit out of shape now. Quiet murmurings of "good afternoon" or equivalent were said as Louis found his seat. His Alpha's eyes watching the omega with a confused look on his face. He was really hoping his mate wasn't reckless enough to overwork himself.

"Today we have a small quiz just so I can see if you need a refresher or not" the ALpha explained. A quiet groan ripped from Louis' throat. He's tried telling the Alpha that pop quizzes were dumb. Some of the students had actually stopped Louis after class telling the boy that he needed to tell his Alpha to knock it off with quizzes. If it was that simple, Louis wouldn't make himself sit through the quizzes.

Marcel let out a light chuckle when he placed the test in front of his omega, but Louis knew the look in his mate's eyes meant not to start shit. The omega was allowed to have feelings, but the boy knew better than to disrespect his alphas in front of students or colleagues. Some Alphas were more traditional, but the triplets felt no need in carrying on with tradition.

Louis did the quiz in silence as did the rest of the class. And before he knew it they were being dismissed. Since Louis drove to the University with Marcel, the omega stayed planted in his seat. "That quiz wasn't too hard, was it Bunny?" The Alpha was leaned against the front of his desk, Louis sat right in front of him. "Just because it wasn't hard didn't mean it wasn't boring" the omega shrugged. "Can we head home now, Marce? I miss our babies".

When they got home, Harry was burping Holly while Violet was on the carpet doing tummy time, waiting to be fed. "How were my sweet girls?" Louis gushed as he looked at the middle alpha, "were they good while I was gone?". He was nervous to leave them, but seeing that they were okay made it a little easier. "They're always so good," Harry said with a warm smile, "Marce, if you can pick Violet up for Lou, he can feed her". The Alpha was still patting Holly's back, helping her burp.

Louis settled into the couch, getting comfy as he knew he'd be sat there for a bit. Marcel gave him the feeding pillow to help the omega not hurt himself holding the baby. With help from the Alpha, Louis was able to get Violet to latch. Since he couldn't do much with the twins yet, the omega was glad he was able to feed them. It felt like he wasn't useless. He was happy to be home with his girls and two of his Alphas. 

Teacher's Mate (Book 2) - Styles TripletsWhere stories live. Discover now