I Wanna Stay With You

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A/N: Sorry I've been gone for 2 months, I just needed a break in-between writing Teacher's Pet and this sequel, but I'm back and will be posting updates a lot more frequently <3

The morning started the same way they have been the last few weeks, loud arguing and tears. The youngest triplet was sitting on the edge of the bed, running his right hand through his chocolate brown curls, trying to will himself to stay calm. "Just wear the leggings" the middle triplet said, his normally rough morning voice tinged with a hint of exasperation. Harry tried handing the small omega the folded black fabric in his hands. "I don't want to wear leggings" Louis responded, emphasizing the word want. He huffed out a breath as he ripped the black leggings out of Harry's hands, throwing the pair roughly to the floor. "What the fuck, Louis?" the alpha spit out with a low growl. Normally that tone would quiet the omega down, but it riled the pregnant boy up. "I told you I didn't want to wear them. Do you never listen or are you just fucking stupid?" the omega pushed the taller alpha out of his way, stomping across the room before he turned and snapped at the other alpha, "what are you looking at? Do you find this amusing?".

"You know if Edward was up here right now, he would have already taken you over his knee" Marcel replied as calmly as he could muster. The youngest alpha watched as the omega shook with anger. You would have thought one of the triplets had angered the small thing, but his emotions were stirred up by a pair of blue jeans. "Well then call him up here then. I'm not scared of him" the high pitched growl that came from the back of Louis' throat was echoed with the low growls from both Harry and Marcel. At that, the bedroom door opened, revealing a tired Edward. The eldest alpha had gotten stuck with night shifts the last two weeks and could barely keep his eyes open when he arrived home.

He could immediately feel the tension in the air, and could smell Louis' anger that was rolling off the omega in waves. The bitter scent of an angry omega made the alpha's nose twitch, the alpha within him sparking. "What's wrong, Pup?" he asked quietly as he stepped forward, walking deeper into their bedroom. He knew his brothers were watching him as he pulled their omega into his arms, rubbing at the soft spot on the back of Louis' neck. The omega's anger immediately dissipated as he stuck his nose in the crook of Edward's neck, inhaling the oddly comforting sterile scent that covered the alpha. As soon as the anger was gone, tears slipped down Louis' face, his small hands laid on Edward's broad chest. "Shhh, it's okay Princess, I'm here now, it's alright".

Harry and Marcel locked eyes with each other before they both let out a quiet breath of relief. The alphas hated arguing with their mate, but they were also a tad jealous that Edward has been able to calm the omega down so easily. They knew it was just the mood swings, but it still stung. "What's gotten you so upset, Pup? Hmm?" Edward knew his brothers were upset over this interaction, but the only person who mattered right now was Louis. "Didn't fit" the omega mumbled, his hot breath hitting Edward's cool skin. As he continued to sniffle, Edward placed a soft kiss to the smaller boy's hair. "What didn't fit?" the alpha asked calmly. When the omega was upset, Edward knew he needed to tread carefully. "My jeans" he said with a quiet, choked sob, "I'm too fat". "You're not fat, Princess. We've been over this, you getting bigger just shows that our babies are healthy and growing properly".

"I tried to give him leggings and he just threw them to the floor" Harry spoke up, "him and Marcel have been fighting for an hour or so, I tried to help and he just got more angry". Edward looked at both of his brothers before shaking his head softly. Louis' ever changing emotions had been hard for the three alphas to handle, it was a work in progress for them all. Edward knew his brothers had meant well, but they never really experienced the whiplash of pregnancy emotions before. With Amelia, Edward never had to deal with her, but his brothers were always able to calm her down easily. With Louis, it was harder. His reactions to anything and everything were unpredictable.

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