You've Gotta Move Quicker Than That

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A/N: When I mentioned football I mean like... soccer.... not American football.

The last few weeks of summer went by fast and soon enough Louis had to get used to his new schedule. Uni was starting off great. He had first year english which was a general course for all Freshman a couple days a week. Louis didn't mind the course, spending the duration of the class lovingly staring at his mate. Marcel had been the head of the English department at Oakwood University. The Alpha had been a professor there for years before stepping down from his position to transfer to the highschool. Marcel's specialties were mathematics and english, but his heart preferred the latter. The omega had heard from his Alpha that Liam had an interview this week here at the college, looking to get into the English department to work under Marcel.

The course was called History & Literature and it was an elective course. If Liam got the job Louis knew he'd be interested in taking his class. Maybe next semester if he had room in his schedule, but for now he had a handful of classes already. Besides first year English, Louis was taking a basic health sciences course, an omega health course and a 4th class that he hadn't bothered to learn the name of. In between his 3rd and 4th class he had been practicing footy with a few mates on the college team. It was still something Louis had to get used to, he wasn't used to playing on a team with Alphas. He wasn't nervous about it at all, it was just different.

"You've gotta move quicker than that" the team captain called out to Louis as he ran past the omega. Louis was huffing and puffing as his cleats pounded harder on the ground. He was nearing 24 weeks pregnant and having gained about 15 pounds, football had been harder than he expected. He wasn't going to give up, he just needed extra practice. That's why Louis was in the position he was in, running up and down the field with the captain of the team to gain stamina. "Come on Lou, I know you know how to run faster!". The omega continued to push himself, he knew he could do this. "Fuck, Sam I'm trying!" he grunted out.

He quickly caught up with the Alpha, stealing the ball back from him. As he neared the goal, Louis could now see the beta that was waiting, ready to block the shot. The omega shot the ball in the top right corner of the net, skimming the bar. The beta missed it by a millisecond, it was honestly a great shot. Louis hunched down with his hands on his knees while he caught his breath. He spit out the metallic tasting saliva that was filling up his mouth. His throat burned, his heart pumping harder than normal, but the burn he felt in his legs felt good. Over the summer the omega hadn't kept up practicing for footie, so now he was trying to strengthen his body. Their first game was coming up in a few weeks, and Louis just needed extra practice.

The brown eyed Alpha jogged over to Louis, a water bottle in hand. "Here, you really need to take a drink and sit down for a moment, you look like you're about to pass out". Louis took the water bottle before slowly sitting down on the turf. He focused on breathing at first before taking a couple sips from the bottle. "I'm fine" the omega said finally, "I just overdid it a bit". Now that he was calming down, he could feel the kicks of one of the twins. The ebony haired goalkeeper left the net to sit on the grass with the omega. "I have no idea how you're doing this pregnant" the female beta admitted, "when my sister was this far along, she could barely walk up the stairs without losing her breath". "That's because Louis here is a badass omega" Sam said with a laugh.

"Believe me, it's not easy, Kiers, but I'm not going to let these little pups get in the way of our team" Louis loved Kiersten, she was like an older sister to the omega and he couldn't be more thankful. Most days Kiersten, Louis and Sam would spend their afternoons in between classes running drills. It was refreshing to the omega to spend time with people outside of his mates. "We better get going, I know your class starts in about 15 minutes" The alpha spoke up, "don't want to be late for your Alpha's class". Sam and Kiersten loved to lightly bully Louis about having to take his Alpha's class, but Louis knew there wasn't any real heat behind it.

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