There's No Need To Worry

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Niall tried to comfort Surrey as the pup screamed and cried. His cheeks rosy red as he wailed. His little lungs could prove powerful by his howls alone. The boy was put off by the newcomers and the anger radiating off of his uncles didn't help at all. It was like he could tell that something was wrong. The triplets were beyond pissed at the sight before them. Edward bared his teeth as low, menacing growls continued to rip through his body. The older man looked like he was ready to pounce.

The fact that Louis was upset at what he saw before himself made it worse. The omega was dealing with a whirlwind of emotions running through his brain and heart. Anger, sadness, bitterness and vulnerability were the main ones. As much as he wanted to take his pups and run away from this, to never talk about it again, he knew he couldn't deny what he saw before himself.

"Sam?" Louis' voice shook while he spoke while staring at his friend, "you're dating her?". The young omega continued to stare at the brown-haired, brown-eyed Alpha before him. He couldn't understand how out of everyone in this park, Sam was with her. It felt like a punch in the stomach and he could feel the tears beginning to form. The football captain couldn't help but to laugh at that. "I'm not dating Amelia,'' was all he said.

Maisie tugged on her mother's arm. The toddler wanted to go away from the scary Alphas who looked like they were about ready to kill someone if they stepped any closer. When Amelia didn't immediately go to pick her up the little girl rushed to Sam. "Uncy Sammy," the pup cried, "up" she sobbed.

"Uncle?" Harry breathed out as he looked between the two. He could see it now, they had the same honey-coloured eyes, similar faces. It made sense and yet was still confusing. How didn't they know about their former mate having a sibling? Louis couldn't help but ask himself that.

"I guess we can call this a little family reunion?" The blonde-haired, brown-eyed omega joked quietly. This wasn't how things were supposed to go. This wasn't the plan.

"My brothers were with you for over a decade, and you mean to tell us you have a brother we've never heard of before?" Edward asked with his arms crossed, the doctor did his best to reign in his anger, but his mate and pups were vulnerable and upset. He wanted to take them and leave. He also had to worry about Niall and Surrey right now, since Liam was out grocery shopping and Zayn was at work. Amelia was up to something, something more than all of this. She had to be, otherwise, what's the point?

"To be fair, there was a lot you didn't know about me," Amelia said with a shrug, "things you never cared to know about me. You probably don't even know my middle name" she accused the Alpha. It was true, she probably had more things hidden than the triplets knew about. She wasn't the teenage girl they had met in high school anymore. She had grown up to be a manipulative omega, and it hurt Harry and Marcel to re-learn that. "It's Lily," Edward responded with a dirty look.

"First, it's Rose you idiotic caveman, and second, Sam is my half-brother. He just moved back to the area for school a few years back, none of you ever cared to meet my family. It was always about you because you're selfish pricks." she continued.

She turned to her inconsolable child, taking her from her brother's arms. "It's okay, Maisie, they won't hurt you. Momma's got you" she whispered sweetly to the pup in her arms.

"I thought her name was Darcy? You got it changed?" Marcel asked curiously as he stared down at the small child who looked like she could be his own. His heart was breaking with each second passing. Her rich chocolate brown hair and her mother's beautiful caramel eyes, she could be the perfect mix of the omega and the triplets. "Her name was never Darcy" The omega said with a shrug, "Always has been Maisie Rose".

Harry sucked in a breath at that as he started putting everything together. "So you lied to us about her name. You really did use a poor child to try and manipulate us? So we'd take you back? How could you?" The Alpha wanted to cry, but he wasn't going to give Amelia the satisfaction of continuing to hurt him. "And it almost worked" she pointed out, "I almost had everything again".

Teacher's Mate (Book 2) - Styles TripletsWhere stories live. Discover now