I'm Worried For Your Safety

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New update schedule

Mondays: Teacher's Mate
Wednesdays: The Wolves Den
Fridays: Pack Business

Hope you enjoy :)

- Abi x


It was the middle of April when Edward had received yet another brown envelope. This time he found this one placed on the passenger seat of his car. He was beyond annoyed at this point. He didn't know who was leaving these envelopes, or how they managed to get into his locked car and put them there, but the photos this time were the last straw. Over the months since the first envelope, he had received three other ones, all containing a handful of photos each time.

The Alpha sat in his car in the hospital parking garage, having just gotten off of a rough shift, and this was his breaking point. With his jaw clenched the Alpha peeled the envelope open. He looked into it before reaching in and pulling out another set of photos. He took a deep breath before looking through them.

The first photo was taken at the school. It looked like Louis was leaned against his suv while the unknown male was before him, too close for Edward to be comfortable with. The man's hand reached up to Louis' face while the omega wore a bright smile.

The next photo was one with Louis and this man at a movie theatre. They stood by the front door, the man holding it open for the small omega. Edward remembers the night he went to the movies with Niall and some of his friends from the football team. He remembered his mate coming home with an Alpha's scent.

The next photo was from behind Louis and it looked like the taller man was kissing his mate, and that should have angered him more than it did. He was sure it was a trick of the angle.

But the last photo had the Alpha seething. The last photo was recent, it was earlier that week when Louis had taken the twins to the park on his own. Edward and Marcel had work and Harry was visiting his Mum at the cafe. Louis had mentioned about meeting Niall at the park that day, the older omega was nearing his due date, already at 36 weeks. The two had been spending a lot more time together, but that wasn't why the Alpha was pissed. In this photo, the man's face was on display this time. He recognized the man as Sam from Louis' football team, but upon closer look the Alpha realized why he had seemed so familiar.

"Sam stop, just let me come in, please" Louis pleaded, "Sam you're drunk. Go bother someone else, let go" he whined in a high pitch tone.

Edward was behind his omega in seconds, ripping him free from Sam's hold. "Get your dirty hands off my omega" he spit out harshly, pushing the alpha back into the house. Edward stepped between Louis and the other alpha. A loud growl could be heard through Edward's clenched teeth. "I've had enough of you. For months you've bothered my omega and I let it slide. But you had your hands on what's mine and I will not tolerate that."

"He's not yours, mate, he doesn't have a mark" the drunk alpha pointed out. "He will soon enough." Edward roared, punching Sam as soon as he tried to get to Louis again.

Sam fell to the ground at that, rubbing the back of his head. "What the fuck? He's not worth a fight. I can get another omega here at any time. He doesn't even know what he's missing."

"You disgust me," Edward said, stomping his foot down on Sam's right knee, knowing it would hurt a lot, possibly needing surgery. "I hope perving on these young omegas is worth the fucked up knee, mate. Come on Louis, you're not staying here tonight.... Or ever."

This was it, this was why the Alpha called his omega three times on his way home, not receiving an answer. He was probably with the babies. Edward needed to calm down before he rushed in there and did something rash. He knew there must be an explanation for everything. For the photos, for seeing that pervy Alpha again, for allowing the man to be around their pups. The Alpha did some heavy breathing as he drove, trying to will away the tears. He was confused, and understandably upset.

When he pulled up to the house the Alpha rubbed away at his eyes. He tried to dry up his tears before heading inside. "We need to talk, the four of us" is all Edward said before heading upstairs to their home office. Louis, Harry and Marcel had been sitting in the living room cuddled up before the fire, the twins having been put to bed already. The three mates looked confused and worried when Edward came back down the stairs, holding the five manila envelopes in hand.

"What's going on, Ed?" Marcel asked as he sat up, his back no longer pressing into the couch. Louis and Harry followed suit. "I've let this go for too long," he explained before opening the first envelope he had received, then the next, and so on until he had a stack of photos. He held them out for Louis to take, keeping the one with Sam's face in it for himself, and the one with the twins.

"I received five of these envelopes over the past few months. They were always left for me at work and I don't know why. Every photo was taken from weird angles to hide the other person's identity" The eldest explained. "Louis what is this?" Harry asked the omega as he wore a puzzling look on his face. "It's not what it looks like, I swear" the omega exclaimed, "Ed, it's not what it looks like".

"I get that. I'm not even really mad about the photos, besides two of them that I received today" he held up the two photos, "what is that pervy Alpha doing around our pups?" he asked with a low grumble. "He's changed, Eddie, he's not like that anymore" Louis said as he went to stand up. Edward stopped him before his ass was off of the couch. "Sit" is all the alpha said, showing the photos to his brothers.

"That's the guy from the football team" Marcel said as he took a look at the photo, "he's friends with Niall and Kiersten. They hang out at the cafe all the time, Mum loves him". That made Edward even angrier, "that's not just some pup off the football team, Marce, that's the Alpha that broke down Louis' door at the omega house. The one he always tried to avoid because he made our mate uncomfortable. The one whose knee I fucked up last year".

Harry's eyes widened at that, turning to Louis in shock. "That can't be the same Alpha, right Lou?" he asked hopefully. He had heard a bunch of stories about Sam the Alpha from the omega home, and Sam the footballer, but the alpha had never put two and two together. Louis deeply sighed, "right, it's not what it looks like. He's sober now. He apologized, so I gave him a chance at a friendship, nothing more".

"If it's a friendship, why is he leaving photos for me in brown envelopes at my work? It seems like he's just trying to mess up our mating. Maybe he's just trying to get you, and my pups" The Alpha was doing his best to keep his anger inside, he usually had patience, but not when it came to the safety of his pups and mate. "He has someone stalking you, I'm sure there's other photos, and I'm worried for your safety".

"You don't need to worry about my safety. He's not going to hurt me. And who says these are even from him? They could be from anybody really. You have no idea" Louis argued weakly. He had grown close with Sam, had forgiven him for everything and considered him one of his best friends at this point. He couldn't believe that photos like that, from wrong looking angles were given to Edward. He didn't want to believe that maybe Sam was manipulating him this whole time.

"I think it would be best if you stopped hanging out with him, Bunny," Marcel said as he wrapped an arm around the small omega, "at least until we can talk to him and see what's going on" he assured. "I'm sure this is all one big misunderstanding" Louis said with a shaky voice. "Louis, I hate to ask this, but... you've stunk like him before, so has your car..." Edward trailed off, not even looking at his small mate.

Tears were pooling in his eyes and he could feel his heart breaking, "I swear, Ed, we never did anything. I'm nothing like her" the poor boy was terrified the triplets would think he had been cheating on them like Amelia had. At this point he lost it, sobbing into his hands. "We're just friends. He comes and sees the pups when I have them. But that's it. That's all this has been" he cried.

All three alphas could feel their hearts breaking, especially Edward, when they realized what the boy was thinking. They hurried to hold him and console their omega. "Shh, pup, it's okay" Edward said hurriedly, "we know, princess, we know. You're nothing like her. You're you, and we know you wouldn't intentionally hurt us". "We'll figure this out, but let's get you to bed and calm down before you make yourself sick" Harry said softly as he picked his mate up. The two other Alphas followed them upstairs to their room.

Teacher's Mate (Book 2) - Styles TripletsWhere stories live. Discover now