I'm Going To Be A Mummy

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As the weeks neared closer to the winter months, the weather became colder. Louis wasn't too annoyed by the cool October night, being nice and warm wrapped up in his Halloween costume. Halloween was always a fun time of year for him. He loved dressing up in fun costumes. Enjoying all of the sweets he could get his hands on. He got to be someone other than himself for the night and that was always a good time. "I still can't believe how close the game was yesterday" the omega said with a large smile, "it only happened because you were missing your best player". Louis' teammates Sam and Kiersten allowed the omega to tease them, taking it with a grain of salt. "Mhm, that's exactly why Tommo. Because we suck without you" Kiers said while she rolled her eyes. She bumped her shoulder into Louis as she giggled.

"Do you think you're going to play footy after the pups are here?" the blonde omega asked from across the table. Louis had invited Niall, Kiers and Sam to Anne's Place to hang out with some of his coworkers for a little Halloween get together. He had been invited to a uni party but his Alphas weren't the biggest fan of that idea, so they agreed to him hanging out at the cafe. The triplets knew that their mum and sister would be there to keep an eye on him, so he was safe. "I think so, that's the plan right now".

Everyone dressed up in costumes to celebrate the day. Louis was wearing a kangaroo onesie with two stuffed animal kangaroos in the front pouch. When his Alphas had seen his costume they melted. It was so cute that the boy was including his babies in his costume. The omega had the hood up on his onesie, the ears flopping about when he laughed.

"I still love that you chose a Mummy costume, Ni" Louis had been so excited when he'd seen his best friend walk into the cafe. Even with the random pieces of fabric around the blonde omega, you could still see his small bump. "How else was I supposed to tell you I'm going to be a mummy?" Niall had found the idea funny to walk in and say "I'm a mummy" while rubbing at his bump. Louis had suspected that the blonde was pregnant but wanted to wait for Niall to tell him. "I can't believe our pups are going to grow up together". Knowing his omega friend was carrying a pup made him feel less alone in his own pregnancy. Niall was 12 weeks along, while Louis had just reached 31 weeks.

It was good for Louis to be around someone else going through these kinds of changes within their bodies. He loved Niall and couldn't be more excited for him and his mates. The omega was sure that Edward at least knew about Niall's pregnancy, having a very good sense of smell, but the Alpha hadn't told his mates.

Kiersten and Sam had grown closer to Louis since school started, and the three of them had been spending a lot more time at Anne's Place as the weeks went on. Niall had some buddies outside of his mates and Louis, but it was nice to belong to a group. The blonde omega had started joining the trio a couple nights a week at the cafe, spending a few hours just chatting. It was nice. It was refreshing.

Kiers was in a cheer uniform she had snagged off of her girlfriend. Sam was in a classic prince charming costume, joking about he was going to find his princess one day. Their waitress for the night was Louis' coworker Evie, and she was dressed as a pirate. It was so fun to see all of the different costumes floating around the cafe. He had heard from Evie that the cook, Dilan, was dressed as a Hippie, cool glasses and everything. Louis knew if he was working in the kitchen dressed in any kind of costume, he'd be sweating. He used to help there on occasion, but now he was almost strictly a waiter. Every time he'd walk into the kitchen to grab an order, the boy would get hot. He used to tolerate the heat better, but pregnancy does a lot to the body.

As the night went on, the twins kicked a lot more. Most of the time Louis loved feeling his babies kick around in him, but as of late they've been playing footy with his bladder. So many back and forth trips to the bathroom was annoying. Waddling about was embarrassing at times. "You better be ready for this shit" Louis mumbled to Niall as he made his return to the table, "it doesn't stop".

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