He's Not A Threat To Us

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This time last year, Louis was pregnant with the twins and now he was watching his pups learn how to move around. Louis was sure he preferred this stage over the newborn one. Holly and Violet were a bit advanced for their age, having just learnt how to crawl. Some babies learn around this time, but others weren't able to crawl until they were 9 months old. Every baby was different though. The sandy haired omega watched as his pups crawled around the living room.

They were still both a little wobbly on their hands and knees, but they'd build the strength they needed. Louis had gotten down on the floor earlier in the week and had shown the girls how to do it. He had done it as a way to entertain them, but they actually followed his lead and spent the next few hours tiredly learning how to crawl. They were very smart and took after their fathers in that way.

"Soon they'll be running around this house" Niall mused from where he was on the couch, holding a bottle to his son's mouth, "they're getting really good at it". Louis looked over at his friend and at his nephew, a warm smile on his face. "I can't wait for Surrey to be big enough to keep up with his cousins". Surrey Leo Malik-Payne was the 4 week old's name, it suited the small pup.

"They're going to have so much fun together as they grow up" the irish omega paused, taking a look at the black clock on the wall, "do you really think it's a good idea to bring him here? You've already spoken to him about it and he denies any involvement". He was talking about Sam. Louis had spent the last 5-6 weeks trying to believe that Sam really had no idea about the photos. The Alpha himself assured the Omega that he had no idea who took them or who was leaving them for Edward.

"I've put it off for too long, Edward's starting to think there's something going on with us. He knows I'd never cheat, and he's not insecure, but he just doesn't want his brothers to get hurt again. And I understand. So I need him to talk to Sam, see that Sam isn't lying" Louis explained with a sigh.

Marcel had spoken to Liam about today, Edward doing the same with Zayn, and Louis and Harry had told Niall. So the house was currently full of Alphas and emotionally charged omegas. Niall's emotions were still a little messed up from the pregnancy, and Louis was a few weeks away from his first heat after the twins. His doctors had explained that he may start feeling symptoms of his heat even two to three weeks before his heat would actually start, and he definitely was feeling them.

Before either omega could say something else, there was a sharp, quick rattling on the door letting them know their guest had arrived. Edward was the first Alpha to walk down the hall to the front door, the other four alphas followed before finding themselves a seat in the living room. Louis scooped Holly up first, moving her to her playpen before picking up her sister and doing the same thing.

Sam was led into the living room, being mildly surprised by the amount of alphas in the room. Zayn and Liam were on either side of Niall, Surrey in the omega's arms as he burped the baby. Harry and Marcel were sitting next to each other on the other couch, leaving room for their older brother at the end. Sam sat down in the lone chair beside the fireplace. It was what Louis called the reading chair.

"So um, this is Liam, and this is Zayn" Louis awkwardly introduced, "they're Niall's Alphas and they asked to be here". Why was this so awkward? Why couldn't Edward leave it alone? "Hello," Sam said politely. Before they could fall into an uncomfortable silence, the eldest triplet said something.

"So you really had nothing to do with the photos?" he asked, eyes stern as he pulled his omega onto his lap. "I swear, I had nothing to do with them. What would I even gain from that?" Edward wasn't pleased with that answer. "Are you trying to steal our omega?" he asked with a rough voice. Zayn rolled his eyes while Liam gave his friend a stern look.

"I quite like my knees, even the messed up one, courtesy of your anger, so no, I'm not trying to steal your omega" Sam kept his composure, knowing it wouldn't be a good idea to even sound remotely annoyed.

"That's not all I'd be cru-" "Alpha, please" Louis begged quietly, turning in Edward's lap to face the man, "ask him what you want to ask, but threatening him may cause it to get physical. We've got three pups in the room, keep them safe" he hushed the man. Edward's eyes were a dark green colour as he stared deeply into Louis' sky blue ones. "Fine, I'm fine, it's fine" he mumbled quietly before turning his head back to look at the youngest Alpha in the room.

Before Edward spoke again he took a deep breath, "I don't trust you, I can't believe anything you say and I don't like you being around my mate and pups" the Alpha admitted, "If I find out you are lying, there will be consequences. You're allowed to see Louis at school, but I don't like the idea of you two hanging out off of school grounds. You'll have to earn my trust".

"I understand that, and I'll follow your lead. Louis is a really good friend of mine, and I didn't deserve him accepting my apology when we met again when I was sober, but I don't want to lose him over a misunderstanding" Sam said as he smiled a bit at Louis, "you have a really good omega, but I promise you, I'm not after him for anything. He's just a great football player and friend".

Harry and Marcel really wanted to say something to Sam, but they knew Edward had it handled. Edward continued asking the questions he wanted answers to, and Sam continued to answer them. It was almost an hour later when Sam had left. Zayn agreed with Edward when the eldest said that he knew that boy was up to something, while the others believed Sam.

"I understand you have a problem trusting people, but he's a good person Ed" Louis tried to say, "he's not the same alpha you had met at the omega house, he's sober, he's good". There was just something off about the boy and he didn't like it. He didn't like it at all.

"Eddie, let's just drop it for now. He truly seemed genuine" Marcel spoke up, "he's Louis' friend, let's leave this alone. Let him have his friend. He's not a threat to us. He seems to respect our relationship and bond".

Louis had a pleading look on his face, "he really is one of my best friends... I never really had any before. And he likes me for me, he doesn't care that I'm an omega. He doesn't care the way Ashton, Luke, Michael and Calum cared. They hated that I was an omega, but to Sam, he thinks it should be celebrated. He's a really good guy".

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