Do You Know Who They Are?

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A:N: Just wanted to thank you all for all of your continued love and support on this book as well as the first one (Teacher's Pet). There will only be 4 more chapters after this one, and then it's the end. I really appreciate all of the comments, all of the reads, and votes. I hope you'll all join me on my next adventure with new books. Once I finish this book I'll be starting another one, not 100% sure which one yet, But I'll let you know by the time I post the last chapter of this book.  -Abi x


"I can't guarantee that I'll be able to find the saved files for those dates, Dr. Styles" the beta security guard said as they walked down the hospital hallway. "Most of those dates were probably already written over, we only have so much space" the blonde-haired man explained as they reached the security room. Edward has never been here, and he honestly had to find a random security guard who was hanging around the emergency department.

"That's alright...Ted" he added as the Alpha took a glance down at the guard's name badge, "I don't know why I didn't think about this before. Dr. Malik-Payne was the person who advised me to see one of you and see if you could help". The man nodded before sitting down at his computer, pulling up his folders where saved feeds were. "What were the dates again?"

Edward listed off the dates from the top of his head, leaning down to watch the man work. It was probably rude of him to look over his shoulder, but the guard understood. If it was his mate and pups that were in this kind of situation, he would do whatever possible to find out who was involved. "So I can find the saved files for four of them, but not for the first one. That one must have been recorded over or deleted already".

The guard was quiet again when he pulled up the four files. The two men watched through the recorded videos, fast-forwarding through them to find who they were left by. Edward's knuckles turned white as he gripped the beta's chair. "Can you print out a screenshot of their faces please?" the Alpha asked through clenched teeth.

Why couldn't people stop messing around with his mate? "Yeah, of course, Dr. Styles" Ted said as he clipped the parts of the videos Edward had requested before printing them out. "Do you know who they are? We can put them on a list if needed" he offered. "I'm not 100% sure but I know my mates will know if I'm right or not, thanks again Ted".

Edward took the papers from the printer once they were ready before leaving the security office. He marched straight to the parking lot, finding his car easily in his normal spot. He threw the papers down on the passenger side once he unlocked and opened the door. He was pissed. He wasn't mad at his mate, this wasn't his fault. He had a feeling he knew who those four boys were and was annoyed they were still being childish a year after graduating from high school.

People really needed to grow up. The Alpha was angry and hurt for his pup, he was sure he knew who these kids were, he knew about how they had treated Louis in school, and he was fired up. Louis was a kind soul. He had never done anything bad in his life. He loved with everything in him. He wore his heart on his sleeve. He was a good Pup who didn't deserve to be treated badly due to his secondary gender. Omegas were beautiful and didn't deserve to be looked down upon.

The mother of his pups, his mate, the person he and his brothers are spending the rest of their lives with, he didn't deserve all of this and Edward wished with everything inside of him that they can end this for once and for all.

The late July afternoon was scorching. The AC was blasting in the car as he drove, helping to cool the alpha down. His mate was off school for the summer and was spending the day with his other two Alphas at their mum's house. Instead of heading home, he made his way there.

As soon as Edward's car door slammed shut, Louis could tell it was him. Holly and Violet were happily eating one moment and the next they were squealing and kicking their feet in their high chairs. They could always tell when one of their parents had made it home, the twins could tell the difference in the way they closed their car doors, the ways their keys jingled, and the sound of their feet walking downstairs.

They'd always get excited to see their parents and were just genuinely happy babies. "Is your daddy?" Louis asked the girls excitedly. Anne had to pull away the bowl of food she was feeding Violet out of, away from her reach. Otherwise, they'd both be wearing the mushy peas from the bowl. Mushy peas were always, and still is one of Harry's favourites, so as soon as the twins were able to eat food like that, the mates had offered it.

Edward dropped his things off on the coffee table. His shoes were left somewhere by the front door. He followed the trail of giggles, finding his brothers, mother, mate and pups in the kitchen. "Did I miss dinner yet?" he asked with a bright smile, pressing a kiss to the back of Louis' head. "Unless all you want to eat is mushy peas, then no, you haven't missed it yet" Anne smiled at her eldest boy.

"These two missed you a lot," the male omega said as he tried to scoop food into Holly's mouth, catching the peas that spilt out with the spoon. "Did you miss me?" he asked sweetly to the girls, reaching to pinch Holly's cheek before doing the same with Violet. The two girls fell into another squealing fit as they tried to pinch their daddy back but had no concept of how to do it.

"Pup, when they're done, do you think Mum could bathe them and get them ready for their nap? I think the four of us need to go over something. I found the videos at work" he explained quietly, "I think I know who has been stalking you for months".

Louis closed his eyes for a moment, completely missing Holly reaching into the bowl for peas. The 7.5-month-old shoved her first into her mouth that was coated with the green peas, happily feeding herself. "You're just getting yourself all filthy" Anne tutted, a smile still plastered on her face, "going to have to get you nice and squeaky clean before you get to go to bed, huh?".

The twins looked at each other, seeing the peas on the other's face before their dimples popped out, turning back to their grandmother. They were too cute for their own good and they knew it. They may be babies, but they were smart babies who were spoiled rotten by their family. "You four can go talk about whatever it is, I'll get these happy little pups into a warm bath and get them all tucked into bed" she offered.

"Are you sure about that?" Louis asked as he bit his lip, "Edward doesn't mind waiting until the girls are in bed". "Nonsense love, I wrangled a toddler and triplets when my boys were this age, I'm sure I can handle these two little ones on my own. They can't be any worse than Harry and Edward were. Marcel was the good one who behaved himself" she joked with a wink, "now hurry off. You've got other important things to go over I believe".

Louis wiped Holly's face and hand, before kissing the tip of the baby's nose before doing the same to Violet. "We'll be in the next room, thank you," he said to Anne before following his Alphas out of the room.

Edward led them to the living room where he had previously left his work bag, the papers were right beside it on the coffee table. Louis took a seat with Harry while Marcel took a seat with Edward on the opposite couch.

"We could only find four of the five video recordings, and even though these photos are a bit blurry, I figured I'd give you a chance to look at them" Edward started as he handed the photos over to Louis.

Marcel had stolen a glance at the top sheet, seeing one of his old students on the front page. "You've gotta be kidding me" the teacher hissed. Louis' eyes became hard as he glared at the papers in his hand, each one showing one of his old friends on each one. "I guess they really wanted one last laugh at me. I can't believe I used to be friends with them in high school".

"Who are they, Louis?" Edward asked, his tone clipped due to his anger but he didn't mean to use it towards his sweet boy.

"Ashton is in the first, Calum in the next, then this is Michael, and this last one is Luke... they were my friends before".

Teacher's Mate (Book 2) - Styles TripletsWhere stories live. Discover now