This Is His Last Game

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The rain had finally stopped pouring on the field, allowing the cool wind to whip against the players. Louis swore his lips were starting to turn blue. He had no idea why the game wasn't just cancelled. He was beyond cold, shivering in his soaked kit. He knew this would be his last footie game and he wasn't going to let his team lose. The omega knew his alphas were on the sidelines on edge as they watched their very pregnant mate run down the field. Marcel and Harry were both shocked that their mate could still run because at 29 weeks along the boy couldn't help but waddle when he walked. Zayn was watching from beside Edward as both doctors held their breath.

Edward was giving the boy one last game before he had to give up his cleats until after their twins were here. The Alpha didn't want the omega playing at all. The risk was high that he could get hurt. One ball kicked the wrong way could send his mate and pups to the hospital. Both the Alpha and doctor in him were screaming at him to rush out onto the turf to drag his mate back to the bench. "Every time anyone is anywhere close to him with the ball, I feel like I'm going to throw up," Zayn muttered quietly to his fellow doctor. "I'm barely holding myself back as it is Zayn" Edward responded as he watched his mate with a close eye, not allowing the boy out of his sight.

It was almost too much for the omega, and he was sure he was going to regret this game, but he wanted one last win before his pups came. He knew the risks, but he was sure he'd be fine. His legs burned, he was being kicked from inside, and he had been dealing with contractions all day. Edward had assured the boy that they were only Braxton Hicks and that this was a normal part of pregnancy. The contractions just felt like mild cramping but they were annoying regardless. He continued to push himself harder and harder as the game carried on. The extra practice with Sam and Kiers definitely helped the omega keep up with the other players but it was harder for him.

He may be reckless, but he was going to win this game for his team. He knew time was running out for the game and his team needed one more goal. He picked up his speed as he came running over to a player from the other team. He wasn't going to let them win. The blonde haired alpha grunted as Louis stole the ball from him, turning quickly to run down the other side of the field. He dribbled the ball as he ran, swerving out of the way of other players. He could see Sam in his peripheral getting in the way of other players to help Louis out. Edward started jogging down the sidelines towards the net, he didn't like that Louis was in control of the ball right now. Zayn was right behind him just in case something happened.

As soon as he took his shot, listening to the fans screaming at the top of their lungs, Louis knew that this was his last game. The sound of the ball swooshing in the net was like music to his ears. "You fucking did it, Tommo!" the omega heard one of his teammates shout at him. "Holy fuck" Sam said in shock as he realized Louis had just won them the game. His jaw was dropped and he just stared at Louis. The cheers from the stands brought a massive smile to his face. He did it.

"Louis!" Edward yelled as he rushed over to his mate. The doctor quickly checked his mate over before pulling him into his chest. "Never again, this is it, Lou" the Alpha said quietly as he held his omega close. Edward placed a kiss on top of the boy's head and continued to hold him. "Is he okay, Ed?" Louis heard Zayn ask as the other Alpha ran up to the pair. "Yeah, I think he's fine. But fuck, this is his last game. Football is done until after these pups are out of you, Lou, I'm not kidding".

"You almost gave both of us a heart attack" Zayn said as he rubbed a hand at his forehead, "as doctors, we shouldn't have even let you play. And you taking that risk at the end, Louis, you're fucking reckless". "Z, it's fine. He's fine. The babies are fine" his omega said calmly as the rest of the group joined them, "I knew Louis had this" Niall continued.

"Go get changed, Bunny" Marcel had a bright smile on his face, but deep down he was still worried about the boy and their pups. He knew they had an appointment tomorrow with his doctor and that the twins would be fine. He knew Edward had already given him a hard time, as well as Zayn, so he was going to let the boy be. "I'll meet you guys outside. I'll be quick" Louis promised. "I'll drive him home in his car if you just want to head out now" the eldest triplet said to his brothers, "I've got him".

The younger two brothers gave their omega a kiss before saying goodbye. Zayn, Liam and Niall heading out with them. "I'll be at your car when you're done, Pup" the Alpha explained. The man watched as his omega walked off the field, following his teammates to the locker room. He watched as the team captain wrapped an arm around his omega's shoulder, pulling him along to the locker room. Edward's nose flared as he watched the boys' retreating figures. He knew this was one of the teammates that the omega had grown close to and he really wasn't trying to make a big deal out of things. He had vowed to not be a controlling Alpha, wanting his mate to have friends outside of the Malik-Payne triad.

Louis found his mate leaned against his car after he had gotten changed. His hair was dripping wet from his quick shower in the locker room. He knew he wanted to get straight into bed when he got home but he didn't want to smell like sweat. "You're going to get sick with wet hair in this cold weather, Princess" the Alpha said with a frown. "I'm fine, Alpha" the omega sighed, "I just want to go home please. I'm so tired". As he said that, he was fighting to keep his eyes open. He was exhausted. All he wanted was to curl up next to his mates and sleep for fifty years or something like that.

Edward helped the pregnant omega into the car before getting into the driver's side. He chuckled to himself as he had to adjust the seat, his omega really was short. He let out a low growl as he slammed the door shut. The Alpha felt on edge, and his inner wolf was aggravated, but he just shook his head before driving him and his mate home.

This October night was starting to feel more like a mid November one. It was cold enough in the house when the mates got home, that Louis made Harry turn the heat on. The Alphas could handle cold weather a lot more than their omega, so they hadn't truly realized their boy was starting to get cold. The triplets watched as Louis waddled up the stairs to their room. They wouldn't deny they found their pregnant mate very attractive, especially with all of the changes his body was going through.

At 29 weeks his bump was huge, at least that's what Louis had kept saying. The omega had been upset with the new additions to his ever growing collection of stretch marks, but Marcel thought they were sexy. The way he waddled while he walked. The way his chest had swelled, preparing to provide for the pups he was carrying. The triplets loved what they had done to their mate. They had done this. He was carrying their pups. His milk was starting to come in, and at times he leaked through his shirt. All the alphas could do was drool.

Louis stripped to his panties, dropping his clothing at the end of the bed before crawling into the middle. The plush blankets cushioned him, and it was as comfy as he could get. He stretched out onto his back as he got comfy. He was so tired. Marcel was the first to get into bed, curling up to Louis on his right side. Harry slipped in beside his brother before he cocooned himself with his own blanket. Edward was the last mate to get into the bed, slipping into the left side of Louis.

"Princess, you know you shouldn't be on your back" the Alpha started with a stern tone, "come on, up on your side". Louis pouted as he rolled onto his side, he was comfy but knew Edward was right. His bump pressed into Marcel's side but the Alpha didn't mind. The eldest triplet wrapped the omega up in his arms. His nose was to his skin, ghosting his lips over his shoulder and up to his neck. A low rumble tumbled out of Edward as he kitten licked at his omega. The Alpha couldn't sleep with his omega smelling like another Alpha. He hated how possessive he was getting, but he didn't understand why the freshly showered boy reeked so strongly of another. 

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