I'll Love You Forever

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Thank you so much RBBLivvy for helping me write this chapter! I was a bit stuck on some parts and you helped me out so much! <3

Edward's nose was to Louis' neck as he hugged his omega from behind. The two mates watched Harry and Marcel cuddle their pups. Harry had Violet and Marcel had Holly. Both Alphas were curled up on one couch, on either end, while Edward and Louis stood in the doorway to the living room. Today was the triplets' 30th birthday and normally on a birthday like this, people celebrated in big ways. But the mates had decided to have a quiet celebration at home.

They all said they wanted to spend their birthday with their sweet omega and their beautiful girls. And that's exactly what they had done. It was a saturday and normally Harry would be performing at one of the local pubs, but tonight was different. Tonight was about them as a family. None of them had to work today and just spent the day at home cuddling and spending time as a family.

"You're growing so fast, aren't you sweetie?" they could hear Harry mumble kindly to Violet. Her hair had grown longer and the dark chocolate colour was inherited from the triplets. Holly was the same, and it was so sweet watching the pups grow. Louis had cried about it a few times each time they'd find a new potential curl on one of their heads. Their eyes were a beautiful icy blue colour, but Louis wasn't getting his hopes up. He had been told that their eye color could change up until they are about 3 years old. They could end up having their fathers' green eyes.

Violet was trying to have her own conversation with her dad, cooing and gurgling. Her saliva bubbled up and dripped down her chin. She was utterly adorable and Harry's heart swelled with love and pride. Both babies were able to hold their heads up on their own by now, and it was amazing to watch them grow day by day.

Holly was kicking her legs as Marcel held her, her bright gobby smile plastered on her little face. Her dimple popped out when she smiled. Her dimple was on her left side, while Violet's was on the right. Louis melted when he first noticed them. "Look at you with your cute little dimple" Marcel said in a goofy, baby talk voice. She responded with a yawn, indicating to her parent's that bedtime was coming up.

Edward gently nudged Louis, nodding in the direction of Marcel, "Looks like our little pup is worn out from all of today's excitement." Louis nodded with a fond smile on his face. He walked over to where Marcel was sitting on the couch holding Holly, "That was a big yawn Holls, looks like it's time for you and your sister to get a bedtime story and go to sleep."

As if on queue, Violet started fussing. Louis had been able to start recognizing what each of their different cries meant . This was Violet's tired cry, so he knew it was time to put the pups to bed. Louis picked up Holly, and Harry stood up with Violet to follow them upstairs. Edward and Marcel went up with them so they could do their nighttime tradition of reading the pups a bedtime story as a family.

As Louis and Harry began getting the twins ready for bed, Marcel walked over to the built-in bookshelves and grabbed his favorite childhood book.

They have a small sitting area set up in the nursery with two rocking chairs and a few blankets and throw pillows. Harry passed Violet to Edward who was already seated in one of the rocking chairs. Louis was cradling Holly in the other rocking chair. Marcel joined Harry on the floor and opened up the book.

As Marcel's calming voice read the words out loud, the twins gradually drifted off to sleep.

"And while he rocked her he sang. I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be." He looked up from the book, the twins were fast asleep in Louis and Edward's arms and there were tears in everyone's eyes. That book would always get to them no matter how many times they read it.

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