What Did You Do?

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It had been weeks since Amelia had left for good. When Louis had asked Edward about the night of the crash the female omega had used against him, the eldest triplet refused to speak about it. It seemed to be a very touchy subject for the man and Louis decided it was best to just let it go and move on. That's what the Styles family was doing, moving on. Moving on from their life before Louis, moving on from Amelia and all the heartache that came with it, and moving forward with their family. The eldest Alpha didn't want to hear the name Amelia ever again, never wanting the tainted name to brush across his beautiful mate's lips.

School had started days after they saw Amelia. It hurt for Louis to go back to school and not know who was really his friend. It felt like a piece of him was torn away the same way it did when his friends in high school realized he was an omega. It sucked. On the first day of school, Marcel had made an appointment to speak with the head of the university. The professor was a bit nervous, but he needed to keep his mate safe, especially on school grounds.

Sam was expelled from the university on grounds of Louis' safety. The university was losing its team captain, but the safety of other students must always come first. The omega was worried to show up to his first football practice of the new school year. Knowing he was the reason for the captain's absence, his anxiety continued to bubble as he had stepped onto the field. His teammates showed their overwhelming support of their omega teammate, all of them making sure the boy was actually okay.

With no one to lead them and no former captain to appoint their replacement, it came to a vote. Louis had voted Kiersten, knowing the beta had been wanting to move to a different position besides goalkeeper for this school year. In the end, the overwhelming voting results placed Louis as the team captain. His older Alpha and Beta teammates believed the small omega could lead them to victory again, they knew he had what it took. Louis wasn't going to let them down.

"Do we really have to wear these dumb wigs?" Harry complained as he itched at his head. The cheap bright blue wigs were a part of their Halloween costumes, and they weren't as comfortable as the more expensive wigs. The middle triplet vowed to never let Louis buy their costumes ever again.

"Yes you do, Harry" the omega gave the Alpha a pointed look, "look how happy it's making them". He had pointed towards Holly and Violet over by Marcel and Edward. Their child-sized wigs were too big for them and were immediately torn off by the small pups. They were officially 10.5 months now and were experiencing their first Halloween. Louis had to go all out for their costumes.

It was a cold, wet night, which led the omega to pick up their favourite book, the reason behind the costumes. So Louis sat down on the floor with their wiggly pups and read to them.

"The sun did not shine, it was too wet to play" the omega started. The fire in the background crackled before the triplets settled into their spots on the couch further. The rain continued to pour outside, the droplets pelting against the glass window panes.

"So we sat in the house all that cold, cold, wet day". The twins had their eyes glued to the page of the book, staring at the red illustration of a house.

"I sat there with Sally. We sat there, we two. And I said, 'How I wish we had something to do!' So we sat in the house, we did nothing at all. So all we could do was to sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! And we did not like it, not one little bit".

"Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit!" the twins chorused. They had been repeating simple words from their parents a lot lately. Violet jumped up a bit before sitting down again, Holly following her lead.

"And then something went BUMP! How that bump made us jump!" Louis continued with a bright smile on his face. The twins really got into this book, bumping right into the omega.

Louis continued reading the book and showing the pictures to the young pups. The two girls were engrossed in the blue and red coloured illustrations. They were in love with the book and the movie.

"Then he got up on top with a tip of his hat. 'I call this game fun-in-a-box',' said the cat. 'In this box are two things I will show to you now. You will like these two things,' said the cat with a bow. 'I will pick up the hook. You will see something new. Two things. And I call them Thing One and Thing Two. These Things will not bite you. They want to have fun.' Then out of the box came Thing Two and Thing One! And they ran to us fast. They say, 'how do you do? Would you like to shake hands with Thing One and Thing Two?'"

This book was the whole reason they were all dressed up as Things. With their matching outfits, the six of them looked adorable. Holly Anne was Thing One, Violet Gemme was Thing Two, Louis was Thing Three, Marcel was Thing Four, Harry was Thing Five and Edward was Thing Six. They were all in matching red onesies, blue wigs, with the white circle with their "name" on it on their chest. Louis was really proud of their family costume.

"Then our mother came in and she said to us two, 'did you have any fun? Tell me. What did you do?' and Sally and I did not know what to say. Should we tell her the things that went on there that day?" Louis asked the twins excitedly. Their giggles were loud as they smiled at their momma. "Should we tell her about it? Now, what SHOULD we do? Well..." Louis continued, stopping for a moment to look at both of his giggly girls, "what would YOU do if your mother asked YOU?". Holly and Violet erupted into another fit of giggles as they clapped their hands together.

Marcel couldn't help but to smile down at his family. After everything they've gone through, they come out the other side. He had a beautiful omega, beautiful pups. He and his brothers were closer than ever before. Things were finally good for them.

Another knock on the door had Edward grumbling as he stood up from his comfort. He placed his hot chocolate on the side table as he fixed his wig again. Grabbing the candy bowl before heading down the short hallway to the front door. The mates could hear the door open before Edward gave the young pups a very enthusiastic greeting.

"Hello! And who might you be?" the eldest Alpha asked the three young pups that stood on his porch. The eldest had a bright red wig on, her dress was purple and teal, her rain jacket covering most of it. It was still miserable and rainy outside, but it was England. "I'm Ariel," she said proudly, "well Ariel, I have a red sweet that would match your hair perfectly," he said as he showed her the bright red lollipop.

The middle pup was a zombie and he very excitedly grabbed the chocolate Edward had pointed out in the bowl. While the youngest of the group looked no more than two, the Alpha crouched down to her level, holding out a lollipop as well, "here you go sweets. Now you three, stay warm, and enjoy all of your sweets" he said before standing up to wave at the parents. He recognized the female omega as one of the nurses in the pediatric unit. "Goodnight, Dr. Styles" the nurse called out. "You as well, Marie".

Since it was nearing his own pups' bedtime, the Alpha turned the lights off with a flip of a switch before locking the door. He walked back into the living room where he saw the girls all tired out, barely able to keep their little eyes open. Edward placed the bowl of candy back onto the sidebar before walking to his two daughters. "I think these two little Things are ready for bed, what do you think Momma?" Edward asked Louis.

The omega smiled, "we can skip bath tonight, I don't think they'd make it up the stairs before passing out" he agreed. The four parents made a great team. Edward and Harry took care of Violet while Marcel and Louis took care of Holly. As the girls grew, they were a lot easier to get undressed and dressed, allowing their parents to easily change them. With a change of clothing, a pacifier in each of their mouths, and lying curled up in their own cribs, the two girls peacefully fell asleep. With dreams of the Cat In The Hat and Things One and Two playing in their heads, they were the happiest of pups. Their parents knew they couldn't wait to enjoy their next Halloween together.

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