Harry Doesn't Love His Pups

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'We're going to be late" the omega screeched with a panic filled voice, his breathing picking up, "if we're late we won't get to see the babies!". It was a sight to see, hot tears streaming down Louis' face as he rushed around the main floor. He was trying to get his three alphas out of the house. "Honey, we aren't running late, we still have an hour until your appointment" Harry tried to reason, double checking the time on his phone. Louis had been a lot more sensitive to his anxiety lately meaning the alphas were almost always 45 minutes early to any place they needed to go. The poor boy hated being late normally, but today was already a stressful day. "Why don't you want to see the pups? They're yours and you don't even care" he spit out with a broken sob, his shoulders shaking as the omega tried to breathe. The tall alpha let out a frustrated sigh before wiping a hand across his face. He got up off of the couch, making his way over to his distressed mate. "Baby, that's not what I said at all" Harry tried to say, his voice low and sympathetic, "you know I want to see the pups as much as you do. I know you're not comfy sitting in the waiting room chairs and it's too hot to sit in the car for an hour, even with the air on. So we need to wait a little longer, hun."

The green eyed alpha tried reaching a hand out to the small boy, immediately having his hand shrugged off. Louis' shoulders continued to shake as he cried harder. At this moment he wanted nothing to do with the puppy-like mate. "What's going on in here?" a rough, but oddly soothing, voice broke through the tense air. Louis' red rimmed eyes met with Edward's as he let out a pathetic sounding sob. "Harry doesn't love his pups!" he wailed, his eyes hardening as he turned to give his other mate a dirty look, "he doesn't care about them at all!". As Louis continued to cry, he rushed to the oldest alpha, his black tshirt becoming soaked in the omega's tears and snot. "Ed, that wasn't even remotely close to what I said, I promise" Harry tried to explain with pain lacing his voice. The two brothers locked eyes as Edward rubbed a calming hand on Louis' back. "What did Haz actually say, Pup? I'm sure he didn't say what you think he did". Louis had been feeling a lot more emotional as his pregnancy progressed, and it was easy for a few misworded instances to turn into full fights on the omega's end.

Through his sniffles, Edward could understand a few words, trying to piece them together himself. "Did he tell you we weren't running late?" the eldest alpha asked softly before letting out a soft sigh, "Princess, we've still got a bit of time, and I won't let you sit in the hot car". Louis pulled his head out of Edward's chest, glaring at the taller alpha. Of course it was going to be two against one, and this almost brought a fresh wave of tears to his eyes. Before that could happen, Edward knew he needed to fix the situation. "How about this" he started, a thoughtful look on his face,," if we can leave in 15 minutes, we can stop for ice cream on the way to the school" the doctor promised. That seemed to immediately change the omega's mood, "can I get the strawberry one I had last time?". Louis' eyes were sparkling with happiness at the thought of the homemade strawberry ice cream from the shop by his school. "The ones with the chunks of strawberry, right?" Harry finally spoke up, a smile upon his face now that the situation was handled. He was so thankful that they had this situation under control, knowing that would buy them a couple hours before Louis' next big mood swing. "Yes! They apparently make it fresh everyday! It's so good, nothing could compare!" Ice cream fixes everything.

It was a big day for the omega, and the alphas knew they'd need to tread very carefully with their mate if they wanted things to go smoothly. It was finally the end of June, and today they would not only find out the gender of their pups, but Louis' highschool graduation was right after the appointment. Sadly, Marcel wouldn't be able to be at the appointment due to his obligations at the school, there was no way for him to work around the ceremony preparation. Louis understood, and it thankfully didn't end in a breakdown as the omega was reminded on the way to the hospital. The hot sun beat down on the black pavement, making Louis' white flowy sundress stick to his skin, carefully showing off his small bump. His alphas were equally as obsessed with his growing tummy as Louis was, almost always having large hands cradling it. He was still small enough that his classmates didn't notice he was pregnant, and they wouldn't notice unless you actually took a look at the small boy. He was grateful for that, he couldn't imagine what his old friends would have said about him carrying his teacher's pups.

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