Small Bump

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It's been a month and a half since Louis ended up in the hospital, and the triplets have grown even more protective over the omega. They had tossed out every baking supply, every spice, everything that Amelia could have tainted. They weren't going to let something happen to their mate or their pups. Louis found out he was pregnant the day before he was poisoned. He was at work and Gemma had come up to him, giving him a big hug, and she noticed his scent had changed. Louis told her that she was crazy, there was no way he was pregnant. Edward had him on the best birth control he could get, but the doctor hadn't considered the fact he had three mates. That was three times the chances that it would fail.

The omega had taken a test the next morning, getting a positive result. He had planned to tell his alphas that night before they went to bed, but he had ended up in the hospital before that. When Louis came to, he was worried seeing he was in the hospital, not knowing how long he had been there. The wolfsbane had caused confusion, but all the omega could think about was his pup. The alphas were shocked by his words, Edward even more so, he couldn't believe he didn't notice his mate's change of scent. The doctor had ordered a bunch of tests to make sure his baby was going to be okay. When they did an ultrasound, they found two fetuses. His omega was having twins.

Louis was now two and a half months pregnant, and was finally showing. The omega stood in the bathroom after his shower, turning every so often to look at the small bump he was sporting. In the mirror he could see how small he looked, but he felt pride surge through him. He was scared what the future would hold for him and his pup, but he knew that no matter what, he'd always love them. The omega got dressed, deciding on a black pleated skirt that fell mid thigh, pairing it with a baby blue tshirt. The shirt was long enough to cover his growing bump, making the omega feel more comfortable. The only people who knew Louis was pregnant were his mates, Zayn, Liam, Niall, Gemma and Anne. They decided they didn't want to tell anyone else until he was further along, that included Louis' classmates. Luckily for the omega, he didn't suffer from morning sickness yet, and he could continue to hide his pregnancy.

The omega found all three of his mates downstairs by the front door, all ready to start with their day. Harry was going to help his mum at the cafe. The middle alpha had started going in for a few hours every morning to freshly bake, helping the young beta cook out. Dilan had never baked before in his life, and normally Anne would bake everything fresh in the mornings. Harry wanted to get out of the house in the morning, and since they now lived closer to the cafe, he figured spending some time with his mum would be good. Edward was still working at the emergency room, and was still loving his new position. The new position made it easier for him to take time off work for Louis' appointments. The alpha had become obsessed with his omega's health, making sure the three of them were perfect.

The eldest alpha let out a low growl before pulling the omega close to his chest, Louis' back to him as Edward slipped a hand under the omegas skirt. "You're lucky I have to go to work right now, Pup." He said lowly, his lips against the omega's neck, "otherwise you'd be bent over the side of the couch". The omega let out a whine, feeling himself becoming slick. The pregnancy had made the 4 mates even more turned on then before, all of the hormones messing with them. "Edward, come on. Stop starting stuff you can't finish" Marcel chuckled, trying to ignore Louis' sweet scent, "I'm the one that has to suffer in the car on the way to school". The youngest triplet, made Edward let go of the omega, his eyes darkening. "You better chill out, Louis. I don't have time to knot you before my first class" the youngest said as he said goodbye to his brothers.

"That's not fair" the omega pouted in the passenger seat of Marcel's car, his arms crossed as his face was still bright pink. "Maybe if you got up earlier, you could have had Edward's knot, but none of us have the time in the morning. You now he just loves to get you all worked up" the alpha said as he drove, "but you do need to calm down before we get to the school. I really don't need you sitting in your class smelling like that. I can't kill everyone". The alpha knew it was mostly due to the hormones, but Marcel was a lot more protective over his mate, the urge to protect him from everyone was stronger than ever. "Don't talk to me like that, Marcie. I'm pregnant. I just need all of your knots at all time" the omega said, tears in his eyes.

Teacher's Mate (Book 2) - Styles TripletsWhere stories live. Discover now