I've Only Ever Wanted You

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A/N: I didn't mean to write smut... I had a whole other plan for this chapter and then this happened. My bad.

"Give me the keys, Pup" the eldest triplet said, his voice stern as he had his omega pushed against the side of his suv. The hot tempered omega wasn't giving in to the borderline alpha-voice order from his mate. "Get away Edward. I have shit to do" he growled out. It was June already, and the heat from the early summer month had only added to the shitstorm that was Louis' mood swings. The omega was only 3 months along, but some days the alphas questioned how the hell they were going to make it through this. Edward's hours had only increased at work, his schedule being more of a mess than his omega's roller coaster like emotions. When he came home after a long day, he'd silently pray to whoever was listening that he'd make it through the front door to a civilized conversation from his brothers and mates instead of his omega's bitter words. This morning, he didn't even make it out of his car before he had to face the wrath of the smaller boy. Admittedly, Edward always thought Louis was the hottest thing when he was angry, but after a long, trying shift, all he wanted to do was sleep.

His eyes flickered momentarily to those of his younger brothers, the two alphas waiting on the porch with their arms crossed, unamused looks painted across their faces. They watched their older brother, watched how he gripped Louis' right hip tightly with his left hand, not hard enough to cause pain, but enough to hold the pissed off omega in place. "I said, give me the keys, Pup" the alpha repeated, his anger steadily matching Louis' as he started to become more agitated by the blatant disrespect. "And I told you I had shit to do" the icy glare he was receiving from the omega was met with Edward's own, "now get the fuck away from me!" he punctuated with a shove to the taller man's chest. "I swear, Louis, I will pick you up, bring you back inside and throw you over my lap. You're this close to it, and you know I'll follow through" the alpha gripped both of Louis' wrists in one hand, "if you're going to act like a child, then I'll treat you like one".

"Why do you even fucking care? You're never here anyway!" the smaller boy screeched as hot tears started to steadily stream down his face, his lips quivering with every word. He tried pulling his wrists away, but he was no match to Edward's strength. The alpha's nostrils flared at that, and if he was a cartoon character then there would be hot steam coming out of his ears at this point. "I have work, Louis. I'm doing what I can to be able to continue to give you the life of luxury! I'm making sure we have money saved up so that our pups never have to know what struggling is like! You know this!" His work schedule had been a hot topic whenever the omega wanted a cheap jab at the eldest brother. Since Edward took the job as head of ER, he had been forced to put a lot more hours in, the job was demanding, but it was better money for him and his mates. "You're probably not even at work! It's some coverup so you can go fuck around with other omegas because you don't love me anymore!" he cried even more, choking on air as he tried to breathe properly.

"I'd never cheat on you, Louis and you know this! Not once have I ever even thought about it!" the alpha felt disgusted by that accusation, "I've only ever wanted you!". "I'm too fat and ugly for you now! I know you're sleeping around" the omega continued to fight, struggling to free his wrists. "Oh really? What makes you think I'm sleeping around? Hmm?" Edward asked with his eyebrows raised, lowering his forehead to rest against Louis', eye to eye with the smaller boy. "I found the panties," the omega confessed through another sob. This immediately confused the alpha, letting go of his wrists. "What panties?" his words were said lowly, the confusion evident in his words. "The red lacey pair" the omega huffed, "I found them under your side of the bed". "Can you show me them?" Edward asked, his voice soft.

Louis stomped away from the car, brushing past his other two alphas. The three brothers followed behind their pregnant omega, making sure he wasn't at risk of tripping up the stairs as he continued to stomp up them. The omega swung the door open to their bedroom, the silver coloured knob banging against the snow coloured walls. He sank to his knees on Edward's side of the bed, grabbing something from under the bed and throwing it at his alpha's, it hit Edward right in the face. The alpha only had to look at the pair of panties for a moment before he started laughing, the other two alphas doing the same when they saw the lace fabric. "What the fuck are you laughing about? Are you all in on this? You're all fucking some omega in my bed?!"

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