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"PLEASE DON'T KILL ME.I CAN GIVE YOU MONEY.MORE MONEY. JUST TELL ME YOUR PRICE BUT DON'T KILL ME. I'LL LEAVE THIS COUNTRY AND NEVER COMEBACK. JUST LEAVE ME" the man on the chair repeated the last sentence like a prayer. His hands and legs were tied and was kept in a basement with water on the floor and in some far away place where no one could find him.

A Person in black cloths appears walking in his direction while he was begging the other seven men to release him. He can't see the face because its covered with a mask and can only see the eyes because rest body is covered in black.



The person walks towards him with a gun in the hand while he was talking and without spearing a moment blows the mans head with the gun 'BANG.....'.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Son Kyung is a university going girl who is about to pass out university in a few weeks.Her father owns many businesses. One of the business in as a mafia and her best friend y/n works as an mafia with her father.

Y/n and Kyung are best friends since grade 5. They share everything with each other and Kyung knows that y/n's an assassin who have killed hundreds of ppl but doesn't mind being with her because y/n works for her dad and her dad also trust y/n and so does she. She was in the garden waiting for her best friend Park Y/n with her two bodyguards, like Of course she'll have bodyguards as she is the daughter of koreas biggest mafia. As the two bodyguards saw y/n entering the garden they took one step behind to let the two besties hug each other.


I left form my class and headed straight to the garden as I and my bestie Kyung were going to meet there. When I entered the garden I saw Kyung sitting on one of the benches with two of her bodyguards standing behind her bench. When I reached her bench she jumped in excitement and pulled me into a tight hug which we always do when we meet.

We stated walk out of the park when kyung asked

"Can we eat an ice cream? Its been long since we've eaten an ice cream".

"Yeah ok but then we will have to go home early because i don't want you in danger" I said

"yeah yeah" she replied.

We entered the ice cream shop and all the people made way for us to go ahead as they realised that the daughter of the mafia has entered. We quickly grab the ice cream and decided to walk home as kyung complained that she's growing fat day by day. While we were on the way home I had eyes on the surrounding and I had a feeling that we where being followed by someone. I suddenly stopped and pulled one of the bodyguards and whispered

"There is a man in the opposite side of the road who is following us since we left the garden. Call a car now."

He did as I ordered. He immediately pulled his phone out and called the driver. The driver came in few minutes and we jumped in the car. Kyung didn't ask me for what reason I told the bodyguard to call the driver because she knew that i won't suddenly take any action without a reason.

We reached at Kyung's Mansion. Its was veryyyy big and was painted white in colour with a beautiful little flora fountain. As we entered the house there were stairs on both the side of the walls and everything was painted with black,gold and white.

 As we entered the house there were stairs on both the side of the walls and everything was painted with black,gold and white

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As we entered we were greeted by the maids and her dad who was worried and waiting for us

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As we entered we were greeted by the maids and her dad who was worried and waiting for us. He asked me and the bodyguards to wait and told the maids to take Kyung upstairs. As soon as she left he [my boss] asked me

"What happen that you suddenly pulled the bodyguard and ordered him to call the driver?"

"Sir there was a man who was following since the time we left from the garden but I couldn't see his face as there was a mask on his face and a hat on his head."

I answered as soon as the question ended. He's thanked me and told me to proceed with my further plans. I went to Kyungs room and found her sitting on her bed zoned out. I went near her but she still didn't realise it so i placed my hand on her shoulder she jumped on her place and nearly scream pushing me behind and luckily the voice didn't reach down the hall.

"I came to inform that I'm leaving and will see you tomorrow at the University." I told her

"Don't leave me alone, I feel like a prisoner here. Dad doesn't let me do whatever i want to do."

She answered me in a crying tone. i hugged her and made her understand,

"See this is for your own good and your dad won't like anything happening to you because your the only person who he has as a family. You know I won't let anything happen to you right?"

She nods and releases me from the hug and I leave for my house.













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————————————————————————Hey guys its the author hope you like the first chapter ☺️

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Hey guys its the author hope you like the first chapter ☺️

it might be a bit boring at first but you will like it when you read further so don't give up on me :))😅😅

This is my first time I'm writing a book so if there is any spelling mistake please forgive me :)🌸💜😶

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