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I and Jungkook smiled and came towards y/n and where the others were waiting for us. We sat to eat food when suddenly Namjoon and Jin hurried inside the room and said 

" Yoongi hack the camera's of the Woo nightclub as fast as possible". Yoongi immediately did something on his computer and when we all saw that it was Hoseok who was sitting in the bar area. 

" I knew it." Namjoon said 

"Knew what?" i asked 

" That it was Hoseok." he replied. 

" And out of curiosity I asked the people who work there about him so they were like he comes here every night with his two friends." he continued 

"Well, good job. That means if he comes everyday than he'll come today also." jimin said "We got a nightclub to attend tonight." Jungkook said with a smirk on his face. 

"Get dressed boys and a girl." I said and everyone laughed and nodded.

"So what the plan?" y/n asked 

"Um... yeah so like always we will enter the nightclub in pairs and sit at different place and find the target." Jin explained 

" Who is paired with whom?" y/n asked 

"Yoongi- Jungkook, Namjoon-jin, Jimin-me and you can go with anyone you want." I replied 

"Ok Oppa" y/n said simply 

"oppa?" I laughted and asked. 

"Oh is its ok if i call you oppa?" she asked in a serious tone. 

"yeah yeah no problem at all." I answered laughing.

"But after spotting him what are we going to do?" y/n asked after I was done laughing 

"We'll keep Hoseok in the basement alive with making him understand our side and probably kill the other two?" jimin asked 

"That will work." Jin said 

"But for that we need to get him to a quiet place and how are we suppose to do that?" Namjoon asked. 

"Oh leave that on me." y/n said and everyone turned to her with a big question mark on our faces. 

"What will you exactly do?" Jin asked 

"Oh oppa I do what I'm usually to kill some guys. Don't worry i'll get him to a rooms which are above the bar." y/n said and and everyone just nodded. 

"I'll inform Jooheon and the other guys for arranging a car for Hoseok to our you know which place." Jimin said and we nodded.

"Ok so lets meet at Jimin's around 5:30. A bit early for some planning and doubts" I said and everyone left to go home.


I was still in the basement with nothing to eat with eyes all swollen and all weak. Suddenly a man walked in with a plate and kept it in front of me and released my hand and told me 

" Eat it." 

"I won't eat i don't trust you." i told him in a strong voice 

"Its the bosses order to make you eat it." he said in a bit harsh voice 

" I don't trust you." i said again 

" Ok so starve to death." he left the plate on the table and left the basement or their so called room which was all flooded. 

Mafia Queen (jungkook ff )Where stories live. Discover now