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We reached the guest house when was in the middle of nowhere. I parked the car and three cars entered behind us. We walked inside the mention. I had eyes on every movement that Kai made. Y/n and Kai were cracking jokes and were acting casual as we walked into the Guest house and towards the living room.

"Sit here." I told him more like ordered him to do so.

He sat and looked at y/n and she gave a small smile.

The rest of BTS and Mister Son with his bodyguards entered the place.

We all sat on the couch and Kai said

"I am sorry but can i know who all are you?"

Mister Son looked at y/n and she gave a nod she started

"Kai this is BTS and we are will to listen to your information."

"Oh Ok, so let me introduce first I am Kim Jong-in but people call me Kai. I currently am working for a mafia group named EXO and I want to help you guys to find Kyung. " Kai said

"Why are you willing to help us and what do you want to do with my daughter?" Asked Mister son

"Sir I, Y/n and Kyung are friends and we use to hangout in our free times as we are in the same university. We didn't hangout all the time but once in a weak and I um.... ah..." Kai said and looked at y/n all nervous and sweaty palms.

Y/n gave a small smile and nodded a bit to assure him that he can continue.

" I started to have feelings for her. We use to talk in classes and then I fell for her and now that she is mistreated I can't see her in that condition so I thought of going to y/n." He confessed and looked down towards his fidgeting hands and moving leg nervously.

"So tell us where have they kept her?" Mister son asked him

"She is kept at one of our sites which is approximately 2 km from the main HQ." He replied and saw y/n as she left with yoongi, tae and one of the bodyguard.

"Do you have the address?" Namjoon asked and he answered

"Yes but you wont understand the exact place so you will need to come with me." he said looking at the rest.

everyone nodded and Mister son stood up and came towards Jungkook, me and Namjoon.

"Go with him and do what ever is necessary for you to do." He said and we nodded.

He left the house and drove away with his bodyguards.

We all took the car by which the BTS come and drove to the location given by Kai.


We all were listening listening to Mister Son as he went on asking questions but till then one Bodyguard came walking towards me and tae and said

"Hoseok is awake."

"Well then you and yoongi should go and handle the situation." Tae said and I looked Yoongi and actioned him to come towards me.

He came and Tae said

"Hoseok is awake so you and y/n should go and handle the situation according the me." Yoongi nodded and informed the others and the others gave a thumbs up and we were about to walk out but i stopped and said

"You should come with us." yoongi nodded looking at Tae. Tae nodded and we left the house.

We took the car in which Jimin, Kai and I had come here.

I was nervous, excited and scared to see him after so many years

"Nervous, Excited,Scared?" Yoongi asked me looking towards me.

"How did you know?" I asked a bit shocked

"I feel the same and I have no clue how to handle this." He said and i just shook my head

"Come on guys you are the best and you can handle the situation very nicely" Tae said in a cheerful voice and showed his boxy smile which made us smile too.

After some time we reached the place where Hoseok was kept.

We walked through the hall way and down to the basement. We sported Hoseok sitting in the chair and figuring out where he exactly was.


I opened my eyes with a slight headache with a bit blur eyesight. I looked around and found myself in an unfamiliar place and then I remembered about me going to the bar, the girl, the room and than me blanking out. The girl had a mark under her collar bone. It looked similar 'No, It can't be. That girl shouldn't be y/n.' I thought. The last words she said were dancing in my head

"I'm so sorry my brother." What did she mean by that.

In sometime I see some people walking towards me.

There were three guys and one girl with open hair walking straight towards me. Than I suddenly remembered if I still have my ring on my right finger but it wasn't here.

"Where did you keep my ring?" I ask them burning with anger.

Everyone had a confused face in front of me.




















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