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"Yes hobi, I am Y/n, your little cutie." y/n said with glittery eyes.

They untied me and we three hugged each other.

Yoongi introduced me to a guy named Taehyung and we shook hands.

I was so happy that I finally found my childhood best friends or should I say family, Yes I had finally found my family. But than I remembered about my ring.

"Yoongi-ah, where is my ring?"

"Your ring should be somewhere on the table" yoongi said as he was typing something on his phone.

"Shit!" I cursed as I looked around the table.

"What is it?" y/n asked as Yoongi and Taehyung came walking towards me

"I can't find my ring?" I said

"You can buy a new one, now lets go." yoongi said

"No you don't get it, I cant go out if I'm not wearing that ring." I say as I panic

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked as he looked at y/n and yoongi.

"I need to tell you something but first please help me find the ring." I say and they just nod and help me find the ring.

"Found it." Y/n shouts as she holds the ring in her palm.

"Oh, Thank god." I sigh in relief

"Now explain." Yoongi folds his hands and tells me.


Hoseok told us the reason behind why he wears the ring and we were all shocked but then suddenly I got a call from Jimin


Jimin:"You need to get here as soon as possible?"

Tae: "Ok where are you?"

jimin: "At the HQ"

Tae: "We'll be there."

I end the call and tell everyone

"We need to go to the HQ asap."

everyone just noted and we got in the car.

We took hoseok with us too as he could help us.


We all reached the HQ without saying a word. I told jimin to call tae and people to reach the HQ asap after we reached the HQ meeting room.

Everyone had a not so happy look on their faces.

"How could he do this to her?" Jin said all of a sudden

"I don't know I mean he loved her right." Jungkook said

"He treated her like his own daughter, just to see this day?" Jimin said

"Whatever he's doing is not right and we should save kyung first." I say and everyone just nods

We see Yoongi, Y/n, Tae and Hoseok coming walking towards us and enter the room.


We left as soon as tae told us. We reached the HQ and walked straight towards the meeting room. When we entered the room everyone looked at us with dull faces. And that time I knew that told came to know something that is not good.

"Why did you call so urgently and whats with your faces." Yoongi asked while I nodded followed by tae, and hoseok just stood behind not knowing who they all were.

"Well, we have something to tell you guys." Namjoon said

"Well, even we have something to tell you guys" Yoongi said with a not so sure face.

"you spill first." I tell namjoon

" while We were on the way here to the HQ we heard a car coming as their bosses were going to visit that place and so.........."















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you must be curious about who the other boss be.

To get to know who he is please be in touch 

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humble request.


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