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I kissed on y/n's forehead and we both walked hand in hand.

Until we reached the park and saw Mister Seo-Joon talking to someone.

I and y/n quickly hide in the nearby bush so that we wont be visible. We tried listening to the conversation but wasn't that clear and couldn't see the mans face who was conversing with Mister Seo joon because we were behind him. I remembered that I had the microphone given by yoongi. I long pressed the button and threw it near them and told y/n to remove hers so that we could listen to what they were saying. She did as I said

Seo-Joon: What do you mean by he disappeared?

Man: I don't know sir. We tried finding him everywhere.

Seo-joon: You have 24 hours to find him, if you don't find him in 24 hours you'll be dead. I want back Hoseok under any condition UNDERSTOOD.

Man: Ye.. yes sir.

He walked away and the man too. After they were gone we come out of our spot and i picked up the thrown microphone.

"Now what" Asked y/n

"They are finding hobi so we need to be more careful. We need to keep him somewhere safe." I said

"We need to inform the others" said y/n

"yup lets go" I replied and we left


As we entered the office we saw y/n and jungkook sitting on the sofa with a microphone on the table. We all sat around them 

"so?" I asked

Y/n and jungkook both looked at each other and looked back 

"they are behind Jhope now. we heard them talk in the park." said Y/n 

"so they want Jhope? um hm." asked jimin

taehyung, yoongi, y/n, and jhope looked at each other like they knew something.

"So if that's the case we must keep him mostly indoors." said Jin 

" Yeah he can work with yoongi hyung." said jungkook.

"yes of course. Also there is something you should know about hobi.." Yoongi said 

"what is it?" asked jin

" Umm.... so it's actually..." said y/n 

" Just say it..."  said taehyung

" you say then" said y/n 

"Nope it's what you should be saying..."  said taehyung 

"Aghhhh you all shut the thing is that hobi is a vampire and that's the whole reason they are behind him and want him on their side." said yoongi without hesitating.

Everyone's eyes turned wide and were shocked.

"Wow...wait what?" I asked and I didn't know how to express it was just so fascinating. 

"No wonder they want him...." Jimin said to himself but was too loud
Jin was just blank he didn't know what to say what now

" Well now we know we should keep him safe so let's do it." Said jungkook

"Now that we know why they need hobi hyung we should keep him safe." said Jimin 

"Yes, we can let him stay in the HQ till all of this is done." I suggested 

"Yes thats very very safe." said Y/N agreeing to what I suggested and gave me a small smile.

"okay then ell be staying in the HQ with us as it is its just one day thing." said jungkook 

"perfect." said jin 

" So everyone knows the plan right?" asked and everyone nodded. 

Also as everyone was done with their work jungkook again rehersed the plan insuring all the work was done and was perfect."


"Lets get ready for the night" said jimin 

everyone walked towards their begs except ...


















To be continued.. 

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hello guys sorry for the mistakes and half story here's something good for you.

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