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The moment I saw Kyung being handled so badly and the way they made her unconscious made anger build in me. I couldn't see it anymore but suddenly I spotted a similar shoes and a similar sweatshirt so I said

"Wait, pause the video." Yoongi did as I told him to do and I pointed at the guy

"Can you zoom it and make it a bit clear?" I asked him and he nodded

"This is the man who was following us when we left from the park and almost followed us from 20 min because I told the bodyguard to call the driver as I understood that he's following us" I explained it to everyone

"Are you sure it was him?" asked Namjoon

"Yeah I'm 100% sure that it was him" I said with confidence

"She had this ability to scan a person in one look is she feels there's something fishy with that person" Jimin told everyone.

Everyone nodded and Yoongi looked at me with a unusual face and continued to play the video and suddenly pauses and zooms to the corner of the room and cleared the image. We all come a bit close to the screen to have a better look and spot a guys face Yoongi crops the face the does something and gets the identity of that person.

"Jung Hoseok aka J-hope.

Works for a many mafia gang but mainly with EXO.

Age 25. Guns, Combats and Excellent hacker."

Taehyung read it aloud while the we look a step back hearing him carefully. The moment he said Hoseok I stood in shock on my place and my attention went to Yoongi who is also as shocked as I was.

"No there will some misunderstanding hobi can't be." I tear up unable to speak.

Yoongi stood up from his seat when he heard me saying hobi and stared at me with teary eyes.

"Why can't he, I mean do you know him?" Namjoon asked me,

I was about to answer when yoongi spoke up

"Because he's suppose to be dead 12 years ago" tears sliding down his cheeks and he looks at me and was about to say when I spoke up still tears in my eyes

"Yoonie! Was it necessary to leave. You didn't even think what I -"

I was cut as Yoongi pulled into a hug and I hugged him back so tight that I would never meet him ever again.

"I'm sorry for leaving you y/n-shi. After the cops called and told us about his death, I couldn't stop thinking of him and that time my sister had got some promotion so she took me with her to another town. I said no but I had no other option and I didn't wanted to get beaten by my parents every single day."

he explained it to me while we were still in the hug. We released the hug and wiped our tears and I nodded with a slight smile on my face.

We turned to the others all were confused and there was silence spread in the room.


"Yay this is really fun..."  I was on a swing with Yoongi was pushing the swing for me and Hoseok was in the front of the swing doing funny things to make me laugh.

I got down from the swing and caught Yoongi and Hoseok's hand "Can we eat a ice-cream please." I asked the two of them

"No!" both of them said it together

"You might catch cold." said Hoseok looking at my adorable face

"Yes, we don't want you to become sick." Yoongi said as he ruffles my hair.

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