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I entered the cafe and took a seat at one of the empty tables. I looked around and saw y/n entering the cafe with a bright smile on her face. I got up on seeing her and hugged her.

"Hey, Long time no see. We should be hanging out like before" I said as I hugged her.

"Yeah we should. Well Hows your health?" She asked

"Yeah I'm fine like always." I answered and she noticed something.

"You don't look good like always. What's the matter?" she asked

An tear escaped from my eyes and I said,

"Kyung is kept in my mafia group that is EXO groups basement and she's not treated well. I can't see her condition and so i want to help you to get her out of there. I can help you to get all the information please." I was a mess at that time. All the tears were rolling down my face and i couldn't control it. y/n stood up and hugged me to make calm me down.

"Shh.. Its ok we'll help you. Stop crying." She said which made me calm and then we sat back on to seats.

"Sorry for that. I-" I started apologising but i was cut by her.

"Ah Stop it. Don't apologise and answer my question."

"I know what your going to ask and the answer is that Yes I do like Kyung not only like her but love her. That is why I want your help to get her out of there. I'll give you the address and everything you want. Just let me help you." I confessed it to her and requested.

"Um... Ah.... I...." She was a bit confused

"I?" I asked

She looked at me smiling and said, 

"Yeah fine, but than you need to come with me somewhere."

"Oh Ok. Where are we going?" I asked

"Ah Just trust me and follow me." She said and I smile and nodded. She held my hand and pulled me towards a car and told me 

"Sit." I sat and y/n and a man joined us and we drove.


"I know what your going to ask and the answer is that Yes I do like Kyung not only like her but love her. That is why I want your help to get her out of there. I'll give you the address and everything you want. Just let me help you." He confessed it to me and requested.

"Um... Ah.... I...." I was a bit confused and waiting for someone to help me. I looked at Jimin and tae and raised an eyebrow. 

"Say yes, take him to our Guest House No 2. Jimin you drive with y/n and kai." Namjoon said

"I..?" Kai asked

I looked at him smiling and said

"Yeah fine, but than you need to come with me somewhere."

"Oh Ok. Where are we going?" He asked

"Ah Just trust me and follow me." I said and he smile and nodded.

 I held his hand and pulled him towards a car and told him 

"Sit." He sat and I and Jimin followed and we drove the car.

"So Kai this is Jimin my brother and jimin this is Kai" I introduced them to each other.

"Oh nice to meet you. I was wondering that how do you both look so similar." He said and we all laughed.

"Nice to meet you too Kai." Jimin said in a very pleasant way.

"Um... If you don't mind can I ask a question?" Asked Kai to jimin 

"Sure what is it?" Said Jimin 

 "Where are we going?" He asked

"To meet our friends and to discuss about how to get Kyung out of there." Jimin said and he smiled.

"Um Ok." He said and returned a smile.

After a long ride we reached on an empty road with was somewhere in between the forest. There were three cars behind us. We reached there and parked our car. We entered the house.


I woke up and the same people were there but one was different. I looked around and one of the man was standing with chains in his hands.

"Morning darling, Now if you won't tell us everything then we have a very beautiful surprise." one of them said

"I already told you I don't know anything. I'm just a university going girls." I said sobbing but instead he asked

"How many people work as mafias over there?"

"Even if I knew I would never tell you." I said with confidence and anger

"Who is She?" He showed me my and y/n's picture

"Why should I tell you?" I asked



"Ok so lets do it the hard way." he said and looked at the man who was catching the chain.

The man came near me and hit me on arm and back with the chain.

I scream in pain and tears started following on my cheeks again.

He held my hair forcing me to look at him and asked in a very harsh voice 


"She's my best friend." I answered all scared and sobbing.

"Whats her name?" another man asked and sounded kinda interested in her.

"Her name is Yuri" I lied but answered in a way that they will believe me.

"Surname?" He asked

" Kim" I lied again

"What does she have to do with your father and his company?" Another man asked

"Nothing she's just my friend and my dad treats her like his own daughter." and I lied again. Y/n is to be one of my dads company holders. He trusts her that is why he lend the company in her hands and she is handling it in a very good way.

"You have been a good girl today and so you will get a better place to be rather than being in this shit hole." Sehun said and they walked out of the room leaving me all bleeding and weak.

 I couldn't control my self and started crying due to the pain. 

After some time I fell asleep.




















Hey guys 

Double post for you 

I hope you vote 


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