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I woke up and everything was pitch black as there was a black cloth covering my face. I couldn't see anything I started moving but I couldn't move because my hands were tied and I didn't know what else to do so I started to scream and then suddenly I heard some door open which made me stop screaming. I head foot steps coming closer to me which made me anxious and suddenly I heard a voice

"Looks like the daughter of the mafia is up, I expected you to wake up early but never mind." the voice said

"What the fuck do you want form me? Let me out of here." I asked yelling, tears dropped from my eyes.

"I don't want anything from you baby but my boss does." he whispered in my ears which made me angry and moved the chair away from

"You won't get anything from me or my family because I'm sure there is someone coming to save me and kick you fucking asses down." I said

"Oh and if thats the case than let me tell you one thing we are all ready to kill every single person who tries to rescue you." the man replies.

"Why don't you show me your face, if you have guts than remove this black cloth off my head and show me your—Aghhh...." I couldn't complete my sentence because there was a punch placed on my stomach which made me scream very bad.

"If you say anything more i'll shoot you. DO YOU UNDERSTAND" the man yelled the last line while removing black bag which was covering my face. I was still in pain and i couldn't see the surrounding as there was a sudden flash of light. My eyes adjusted with the surrounding light and than I could see. But there were tears flowing down my cheeks due to the punch. I looked around and saw a man's face who was staring at me.

"You wanted to know my name right so here you go, my name is  Sehun. I'm one of the members of the EXO gang"

I then realised the EXO gang was our worst enemy and they were behind us for several years.

[guys i love exo too but i wanted some teams name so I chose exo.]

Y/N'S POV~    

I woke up at 7 and did my morning routine and went down to make breakfast for everyone. I went down and saw that everyone was sleeping. I looked at Jimin but even he was fast asleep and I didn't wanted to wake him up so I left him and went to the kitchen and started making pancakes. I made pancakes and went to wake everyone up.

I first woke jimin up so that he could help me to wake the others but unfortunately he didn't get up so I had to try waking Namjoon and Jin and they did wake up and they helped me walking up the others. But than only Taehyung and Yoongi were left so I moved to Jungkook I called out his name and he opened his eyes tiny eyes and looked at me like as if he was seeing me for the first time and said 'yes' is his morning strong but cute voice and sat up. I looked at him and got lost in my thoughts

"He's so cute and just like a baby. I want to pull his cheeks. He's looks so handsome even if he just woke up. I still remember the way he made my worries go just by looking at me—Oh wait what are you thinking y/n you can't like someone who you met yesterday." 

After everyone woke up I went to the kitchen and started plating the plates and Jin helped in doing that. After some time everyone was sitting on the table waiting for food and everyone digged in and complimented on the delicious pancakes. Everyone before leaving thanked and went home because we had to go to the HQ and start working.

I went upstairs and took a shower and chose to wear  something comfortable like shorts and a top and applied very light makeup

 I went upstairs and took a shower and chose to wear  something comfortable like shorts and a top and applied very light makeup

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