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We were about to leave when the door just suddenly flew open and we saw Hoseok friends who recognised y/n as they were there went she pulled him towards the elevator.

"Where is he." he yelled as he ran towards me to punch me. 

The other men went to y/n as they thought that she will be an easy task but they were wrong. She fought and in a few moments our hands were covered in blood. Not our blood but their blood.

"Well that was real fun." She said as she saw me laying on the bed and she lied next to me.

"You are a total bad ass." I said looking at her pretty face. She turned towards me and kissed me on my cheeks. I looked at her in shock and she blushed.

I sat up on the bed and asked 

"Would you like if we walk out together?" I asked with a hot look on my face

"Yeah sure." She answered.

I held her waist as we walked out of the bar and all the boys were jealous seeing y/n with me. And of course the girls were also jealous as they were not as good and pretty as y/n.We walked out and got into my sports car.

"Where the fuck had you two been." namjoon asked from the radio

"What took you so long." Jimin asked

"We were about to leave until Hoseok's lovely little bastard friends came to kill us." I said in an unpleasant way.

"Hey calm down kook. We should leave before anyone come to know they the guys are missing." y/n caught my hand and said to the others. The moment she said kook my heart skipped a beat.

"Ok lets leave." Namjoon said as I drove away.

We reached almost half way when jin suddenly asked,

"Y/n dear are you hurt?"

"No I'm all good." She answered as she wiped a tear form her eye.

"Y/n, are you alright." I asked her in a worried tone forgetting that the radio is on and the others are listening.

"Yeah, I just remembered my mum. She use to ask me the same question." She said as she wiped her tears.

"Its ok. Even I miss my mom but not anymore because Jin hyung doesn't let me miss her. Jin is my eomma. He's a bit weird but he's caring. Don't cry ok. I don't like seeing you cry." I said with a cute smile and she smiled and nodded.

Time skips~

"Kook how far is this warehouse." She asked me suddenly and my heart skipped a beat on the word kook.

"We'll reach in sometime." I answered

"Kook?" Yoongi asked form the radio

"Leave them alone you lil meow meow." Teahyung said

"Dare you call me that." Yoongi said in his deep scary voice.

"Aww, that name is so cute Lil meow meow. Yooniee I think we should call you that." y/n said laughing and all bts started laughing except Yoongi who was still figuring 'what is meant by lil meow meow.'

We reached there and it was around 10:30 pm. We kept him in the basement and left with a lots of security around the house.


We reached to my and Jimin's home as we all agreed. I entered the passcode and I and Jungkook entered the house followed but the rest of them. We all sat on the couch all tired and hungry. I was sitting besides Jungkook .

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