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" while we were on the way here to the HQ we heard a car coming as their bosses were going to come and so we hid the car and hid behind the bush near to the road and saw what we didn't expect," Namjoon said

"What did you see?" Tae and Yoongi asked together out of curiosity

"It's Son Seo-Joon. Kyung's favorite uncle." Namjoon said being quite disappointed.

"What!!!!" I, Tae, and Yoongi said it together shocked af.

"Oh, Seo-Joon is the one who has planned this all because he said that he had family issues and they didn't treat him well and kicked him out when he needed them the most, etc, etc," Hoseok said from behind

"How told you this?" Jin asked

"He himself told me this," Hoseok replied.

"Well, he lied to you." Jungkook Said

"Definitely he did." Jimin agreed

"So what's the truth?" Hoseok asked being curious

"The truth is that he has family issues but not the way he might exaggerate to you. He has a supportive family who would never kick him out until he decides to leave or something." Said Namjoon

"And he didn't get the company which he asks for." I Continued

"He's kinda trained in fighting but his brain and thinking capacity is legit," said Yoongi

"Woah you guys know him so well." Said Hoseok with a surprise

"Well, he is the one who grew us up," Jungkook said and looked away

Everyone felt bad and looked away too.

"Well, you guys had something to say too right?" Asked Jimin suddenly


"Well, you guys had something to say too right?" Asked Jimin suddenly

Yoongi, Y/n, and Tae looked at each other and laughed nervously.

"Um yeah about that" Yoongi started nervously

"So we wanted to tell you guys that Hoseok-" Yoongi was cut off by the door busting open and an exhausted Kai was standing at the door breathing heavily as if he ran a 400m race.

"What happen?" Y/n asked as she walked towards him with a glass of water.

"We have to make a plan now because if we don't rescue Kyung by tomorrow night then they are planning to kill her," kai said and sat on the floor while he drank the water that y/n gave him.

"Oh shit now what." Jin panics

"Hey Baby calm down ok. We won't let anything happen to Kyung." Namjoon comforted jin

"Are you alright?" Asked Jungkook to y/n who was in her own thoughts.

"I'm scared." She answered. She felt scared after so many years and this fear was about losing Kyung.

"Don't be we all will save Kyung" he said with a small smile which made her calm down.


After Kai said my attention moved toward y/n she look very scared. I was worried and was about to go towards but then Jungkook went to her and said something and smiled which actually made y/n calm down. I was satisfied that she has Jungkook to make her feel comfortable and calm her down except me.

"We first need to call Mister Son," Namjoon said

"Yeah right." Agreed with everyone.

Namjoon took his phone out and called Mister Son

Namjoon: Hello sir.

Mister Son: Yes Namjoon, any news?

Namjoon: Yes Sir, You need to come here as soon as possible.

Mister Son: Okay.

Namjoon ended the call and all of them waited curiously in the main meeting room in their HQ.










                                                                                   —TO BE CONTINUED—

                                                                                   —TO BE CONTINUED—

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Hey guys,

Sorry for not posting a story soon. I've got a very busy schedule lately.

I hope you are curious for the plan.

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see ya soon.

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