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"So that is why you didn't talk and eat food for a weeks?" asked jimin to y/n after listening to the whole story and everyone one had tears in their eyes.

"Yeah, i was kinda depressed because the police told that Hoseok my sunshine was dead and then Yoongi suddenly left town with saying anything." she answered jimin holding my hand.

"I'm sorry for not telling you because if I would have told you, you would have cries and begged me not to go and I don't like seeing you cry but eventually now your crying because of me" I told y/n while tears were making they way to my cheeks

"Its ok now, I'm happy to be with you and to know that Hoseok is also alive." she told me when I realised

"If Hoseok is alive then we need to catch him because as I remember he is really good at hacking anything and he had hacked many peoples phones at that time."

"Ok so lets find him before he does anything." Taehyung said

"You guys can go for bringing lunch in the mean time i'll find him. Ok!?" i asked them and everyone nodded.

"I'll be with you." jimin said

"If your staying I'm definitely staying." said taehyung

"Ok ok." I said and laughed.


I turned to y/n and asked 

"Would you like to come with me to grab some lunch for the three of them and us?"

"Yeah sure but what about Namjoon and Jin?" she asked

"Oh Namjoon and Jin will go for their so called date. So its just the five of us." I told her

"Oh ok lets go." She said in a cheerful voice.

She caught my hand and pulled me out.

"Enjoy you little date Jungkook and y/n." I heard Jimin yelling from inside.

I and y/n couldn't help but blush she let go my hand after hearing that. We walked out of the building and I lead her towards my car. We sat and I drove to our regular restaurant.

While we where going I was stealing glances at y/n. She looks so pretty. Her hair were flying due to the air. The smile on her face made by heart beat faster than normal.

"Jungkook will you stop admiring me and focus on the road." she said and blushed and I smiled. Her blushing made my heart skip a beat.

We reached and ordered the food. In sometime the food came and we took the parcel and left for the office.


On our way back to the office Jungkook was stealing glances again which made me blush.  

"So, um.. any boyfriend or any thing?" he asked me suddenly and had a bit nervous face

"No not at all." I answered and his face lit up and there was a smile  on his face which made me smile.

"Why did you asked?" I asked him 

"No Just a general question only, like You look pretty and you-" He suddenly stopped and realised what he was about to say

"I?" I asked and he turned red. Red as a fresh tomato. I couldn't help but blush with butterflies having a marathon in my stomach. 

We finally reached to the office parking area and I got down followed by Jungkook who was still red and was zoned out in the lift. When we reached in the office we kept the parcels on the table but than Jungkook pulled tae out of the meeting room keeping me blank and alone with jimin and yoongi in the room.


Jungkook pulled me out of the meeting room and I was clue less. I look at jungkook with a big question mark on my face. He first looked at my face and then said looking right inside my eyes

"I need to tell you something."

"What is it hyung." I asked

"Hyung I guess I'm in love. I never had this feeling which I get when I'm around her. I just feel like keep her in my embrace whenever I see and when I'm not around her I feel like I should call or be with her. I don't like when people stare at her. I stare at them back. I go crazy bro. What should i do." He said in one breath and ran his fingers through his hairs releasing a huge sigh.

"Bro, you are really in love. I mean y/n did some magic on you." I said laughing and he blushed.

"Don't tell this to anyone yet ok?" He asked me

"Sure but better tell her." i said and winked

"yeah bro lets go in" He said putting his arms on my shoulder and walking inside.    




















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Hey guys,

Sorry its kinda short.

I hope you like it. Its getting more interesting

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