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"Where did you keep my ring?" he ask us burning with anger.

Everyone was confused. I looked at Yoongi and y/n who looked shocked due to his outburst. 

So I decided to step up and try to calm him down

"Calm down and listen first. We don't know what your talking about so just stay quiet and we are going to make a small conversation with you so we want you to listen to whatever we are saying you. I hope you cooperate with us."

"I won't tell anything to you, just give my ring back and let me go or things will turn worst." he said

"Things are already worst hobi just listen to us please." Y/n said and looked at yoongi and me

"Wha- i mean how- no who are you?" He said with wide eyes and shocked face.

"Hobi do you remember the day when we were in school, it was maths class and we had bunked it for the first time only because y/n was sick. She had to be admitted in the hospital as the school nurse couldn't do any more, it was raining like hell that day and the transport system were all closed so-" yoongi was cut by hoseok continuing

"So I ran half the way to the hospital and than yoongi ran half of it with y/n on our back. And that day we were so tired that we slept on the bench of the hospital and woke up when y/n's brother arrived."

"Yeah." Both chuckled

"Yoongi i can't believe that its you" hobi said 

"Yoongi, so is that y/n, my little cutie?" Hoseok asked

"Yes hobi, I am Y/n, your little cutie." y/n said with glittery eyes


They reached at the location which was given to them and Kai told them to get out of the vehicle

"You need to stop the vehicle because it causes noise and the guards will know that someone is  here."

The others just nodded and quietly followed Kai to an old looking abandon shop like place.

"Is this it? They kept her here?" Asked Jungkook

"Yeah, she's in the basement, we need to get out of here because there will be our bosses coming in some time and if he sees an unknown van than it will become more difficult for us."

"Ok but you know how to reach to y/n right?" asked namjoon

"Yeah, I can remove a sketch." Kai replied

"Ok Lets get out of here." Jin said

"Yeah lets go." Said Jimin

They all reach at the car and drove away but than they hear another cars voice coming in their direction and there was only one route to get out of that place. So Jimin who was at the drivers seat let the car go in the nearby bushes and switched off the engine and the others made sure that the car was not been seen. The noise of the car came near and near so did they all because more alert. Once the they sported the car they started scanning the car and tried to peep inside the car and saw something or can say someone they didn't expect to see.

???'S POV~

I got out of the car a walked straight where Kyung was kept. I looked at her and smirked.

"Hello my dear." I say to kyung and she looked at me shocked at first but than tears rolled down her cheeks

"Y-You...?" She said and I just nodded with a evil look on my face.


















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