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As I entered the meeting room saw everyone sitting except for y/n. I was in total anger and could not think of anything but revenge. As soon as y/n entered the meeting hall and took a seat I started

" We were attacked by one of my enemies but we don't know how was it. They took my daughter away for me and now I want you all to find her as soon as possible because we don't know what they will do with her. I want all the BTS to work with y/n and find my daughter as soon as possible. I want everyone working on this case at the HQ in the morning. There will be more 2 people with you at the HQ who will help in planning the backup plan and find you proper guns and vehicles also. Lee Jooheon and Yoo Kihyun are the two and y/n knows the two of them so there will be no problem in working together and y/n i'll write a letter to your university. You all may leave."

Everyone nodded and left the mansion.  As soon as they left I hit the wall with my fist and removed all the anger. I increased the security of the house and walked upstairs as there was no other option.


As soon as I heard that Kyung has been kidnapped I could'nt think of anything else. I couldn't help but felt like crying but I had to be strong. I felt like I lost my friend once again. As soon as the meeting ended I rushed out of the mansion and removed my mask for taking in fresh air and tried to control my tears but then I saw jimin coming towards me and I couldn't control but hugged him tightly and cried in his arms.

" I'm not a good friend I couldn't take care of my best friend. Today before leaving I told her that i'll protect her but I failed."

I cried hard at that moment and all the bts gang was looking at me with a sorry face.

"Its not your fault. You didn't even know that this was going to happen so now get it all together and show these men that your my badass sister who is capable of doing any fucking thing. This is about Kyung and you have to be strong for her." jimin said by giving me a reassurance smile.

I wiped my tears and went back to normal with all anger filled in me i looked at jimin and the others and said," Those bastards are going to be dead"

I looked at a face who stared at me all frozen and I became concerned so I asked

" Are you ok?"


The way she cried in jimin's arms made me cry. I looked down in sadness but when jimin explained her and she released him I saw her face it was perfect.
She had soft skin, light pink cheeks, small lips, perfect jaws and long hair dyed with black and red highlights. I couldn't help but stare at her pretty face and admire her.
I hadn't felt like this ever. She looked at me and I freezed because I was staring at her.

"Are you ok?"She asked me

"Um...Ah...Y-Yeah." i replied all nervously and mentally slapped myself for stuttering.

"Ok, let's go home." she said with making a 'um ok' face and later gave a small smile which made me melt like butter.
She put on her helmet on with a mask inside and got on her bike.
We followed her bike all the way to her house. She parked the bike and we all entered the house. We all changed and came and sat on the couch.
We decided not to talk on the topic and just have fun and rest for a night.

"Jimin we should come to your house quite often its nice here." namjoon said and everyone agreed

"yeah the couch is soft as fuck i could sleep all day" said Yoongi and everyone laughed.

In some time y/n appeared from her room towards the hall and sat besides me as there was some place to sit besides me. I froze not knowing what to do so I moved  bit away from her to make her feel comfortable.

"Oh so you finally decided to join us." said jimin

" Yeah, I'm going to work with all of you from tomorrow so I should get to know you all" y/n said looking at everyone

"yeah right" Taehyung and jin said as the others nodded with a smile.

"So lets start with the introduction part" I said

"Why don't you start Jungkook?" said Seokjin winking at me

"Ok so, Hi I'm Jungkook aka JK. I'm an well known assassin but when it come to being with these 5 members I'm a baby for them." everyone laughs at what I say and I show my cute bunny teeth while smiling. Slowly everyone introduced.

Y/n was the last one to introduce "I'm y/n I'm a university going girl and I'm also an assassin like you all only difference is that I'm a girl. Kyung and I are best friend since 5 grade and we are more like sisters. I have already lost two of my best friends. I can't lose her too."

She whispered the last sentence because she didn't wanted the others to worry about that but me sitting beside her heard it and she looked at me right into my eyes.
I gave her a plain smile and she returned a smile to me. I were lost in those beautiful eyes but suddenly Yoongi spoke up

"If you two are done staring at each other then can the rest of us sleep it's almost 1:30" both of us blushed and the others started laughing at our blushing.
She went to her room and brought some extra blankets for us to sleep and we all slept.














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Its getting interesting see ya in the next part.

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