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As i was waiting for my order i noticed Son Seo Joon storming inside the building with two of his men with him.
"Sir?" someone called and i turned to see who it was and our drinks were ready
"you're drinks are ready!!"  he continued
i thanked him and he wished me a good day while i left with two drinks in my hand.
' Wonder why Seo Joon is here' i though on my way to y/n room.

i knocked the door of y/n's room and she opened. With a big smile i gave her the drink and greeted "Good morning my love."
"Good morning Jungkook" she said with a small smile but still sleepy
She looked so cute in her night cloth and sleepy face, i could kiss her but i just walked in closings the door behind me.
"here's coffee for you" i said
she came to me taking the coffee from my hand and said, " Aww thank you soo much love."
She never said love before and i was there standing with a smile and red cheeks
She turned around and gave me a peak on my lips and then turned red on her actions.
"There is a meeting Yoongi hyung wants to talk about something" i said and suddenly her face was very unhappy and she just knodded
i hugged her and gave her a peak on her head
and left

"Jungkook.....,my guy." i heard and i knew who i was from the voice and felt really angry but i had to act normal
" Mister Son!" i said with a straight smile
" How's everything? I heard you working in finding Khung. Did you get any information about her?" he asked
that motherfucker has balls to ask so that he could remove some information from me
" Nah we are trying our best to find her but not getting any clue" i said in a bit stressed tone to make him feel that i was clueless about the whole story.
" Don't worry you'll know.Keep working hard." he said
"Yes sir i hope." i said and then continued
"Also, a very Happy Birthday Sir!!!"
"ohhh Jungkook thank you thank you." he said laughing and walked away
what an terrible man
i went to the meeting room and everyone was waiting for me there
"We heard Mister Son is here." said namjoon
"Yes he is and i just met him outside." i replied
"ok so you'll need to see this first." said Jin
I saw all the chats and yoongi and y/n gave us their conclusions.
i was very shocked at first but then i realised that Mister Son was never a good man and all his stories were long proven wrong.
"it's his birthday today and everything is as per decided." said Jimin breaking me from my thoughts
"Yes let's get Kyung out of that shit hole to safely" said Y/n cheerfully.
"yes, Are the invitations sent?" i asked
" Yes they have been sent." said Taehyung
" perfect, prepare for the night boys. We've got a mission to do." i said and left the room.
Let's kick his ass......

To Be Continued

hey guys this is you're author. i've just taken a random name Son Seo-Joon. i have no clue if there is a real person if that name. If there is one then please forgive me. I have no hated for anyone 🫶🏽🌸

alsoooo this is what jungkook posted today on weavers 😭😭😭.
i'm dyinggggggggg you'll

 i'm dyinggggggggg you'll

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