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We left to go to the party. When we were about to reach we called Jimin and told him we were reaching. As we reached, we greeted everyone and acted like nothing had happened. Mister Seo-Joon walked up behind me and said 


I turned around upon hearing a familiar sound, 

"Mister Seo-Joon... Happy Birthday.." I replied with a small forceful smile on my face. 

"My guy where were you so long, I've been looking for you.. " he said while shaking hands with me. 

"Sir I was visiting one of our sites in the north as there were some suspicious movements noticed," i said and then Jungkook joined 

"Happy Birthday sir, " said Jungkook with a small smile.

" Ohh Jungkook thank you so much." Mister Seo Joon replied.

While we were talking to him he suddenly asked about Taehyung

"Where is my handsome man Taehyung?" 

"He is still at the site with a few men to keep an eye on," I replied 


His phone started to ring 

" Excuse me," he said


I asked while talking to them " Where's my handsome man Taehyung?" 

but in no time Yoongi answered "He is still at the site with a few men to keep an eye on" 

my phone started ringing so I looked at it. Excusing myself I answered the call and it was from Suho.

I declined the call rolling my eyes and turned to Yoongi to speak. Yoongi asked me about my health.

The ceremony was at the end and everyone was leaving. I walked up to my so-called brother and asked " Son my brother, how are you doing?"

" Not that great, I am still looking for my Khung. My baby" he replied sadly

"It's okay don't worry I'll help you find her if you want," I said with a straight smile but of course, I wasn't going to help them. SHE IS MINE.

"I'll leave now, Thank you for such a good surprise," I said to everyone 

I patted on his back and got up with a smirk. I walked towards my car which I had called. 

The guard opened the door for me and I sat in.

The car started moving while I closed my eyes and relaxed, I didn't notice when I fell asleep.


"SIR.... SIRRRRR....." I heard someone's voice calling me out. I couldn't open my eyes, it was like I was drugged.

I recognized that voice so I guessed " Suho?" 

"Yes sir, we are so fucked" he replied

I was so confused "What? Where am I?" I tried moving but I was tied with a rope and my hands were cuffed so I continued " Why am I tied wtf?"

Suho didn't say a single word 

"Suho why the fuck are you not answering me?" I asked aggressively and could feel my feet on little watered ground.

"hey yo calm down," said a voice that was again familiar to me. 

"why am I here? " I asked 

"You'll know soon" the voice spoke

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked 

"Hoseok," he replied

and with the blurred vision, I saw him pulling Suho out of the room.

Two men entered the room and......











                                                                             TO BE CONTINUED 




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