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Everyone was done with the work and returned to the HQ.

Jungkook was sitting on the sofa with his iPad and with his glass of banana milk on the table.

Jungkook started re-explaining the whole plan and everyone agreed to their work for the next day night along with ensuring that the job was being done.


"So let's get ready for the night," said jimin

"yup let's go"

Everyone went to their beds except Y/n and went to the room where Hoseok was staying for the night being


"yes come in," said hoseok

"hi hobi" y/n said entering the room

"oh hi sweetheart, all good?" he asked

"yes, all good no worries but just wanted to ask you something. Can I?" asked y/n

"Sure what is it?"

"um hobi, I just wanted to ask you why you left when we were young?"

"I... umm .....I had to leave the place to keep you and yoongi safe. I didn't want to but I had to before I came to know about this vampire thing and all, and I was scared to hurt anyone I know." hobi said with his head down

"you could have at least told that to yoongi he wouldn't have judged you at all in spite of he would have helped and we would have removed a solution to all of this hobi." said y/n

"yes I didn't think of that then and I took this as a problem and decided to keep myself away from everyone," said hobi

"It's the best gift anyone can have and it's your strength so use it, if you're wrong anywhere I, and yoongi and all the other members are here to help you and get you back on the right track ok?" said y/n

"yes," hobi said with tears in his eyes and hugged y/n

"It's okay hobi don't cry I'm here for you now," y/n said assuring him

"you should get going now it's too late," said hobi releasing the hug

"yes good night y/n"

" Good night hobi" said y/n and left the room

y/n returned to her room and there was Jungkook sitting on the bed looking at the phone and doing something


I left hobi's room and walked to mine to notice that Jungkook was sitting on the bed. As I got inside he shift his attention towards me locking the phone and all the way back to his pocket

"hi, What are you doing here?" I asked out of curiosity

he got up and walked towards me.

"I was looking for you but saw you walking to Hobi hyungs room so decided to come to your room and wait for you instead." he replied

"oh okay," I answered

he took his steps closer to me, his every step made my stomach sick

he stopped in front of me when there was an inch of distance between us. I could feel his breath on my face. I had never had this feeling before.

he softly held my cheeks and crushed his lips with mine and his tongue plunged deep inside my mouth. I braced my hands on his shoulders and kissed him back.

his hands slowly reached my thighs and pulled me closer leaving no gap between us. A fter some time we both ran out of breadth and pulled away.

he looked at me filled with love panting and hugged me. His heartbeat sounded like music and the big muscular body felt like heaven.

releasing the hug he said, "see you tomorrow morning princess."

"see you." due to what had happened a few seconds ago my face was bright red and the word princess made my stomach sick.

processing what had happened I went to freshen up still all red.

I stepped out just to see .....














  To be continued......

  To be continued

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its been a long of not posting anything I hope you like this chapter

I've been lately caught up with my exams

please enjoy the above chapter 🌸.

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