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As I walked over to a wooden shoji door with a small ajar in it, I gently pushed it aside and a loud rustle broke out, revealing a short woman with long white hair who instantly shot her gaze in my direction with a fearful gasp. Her beautiful empty turquoise eyes were filled with tears of pure pain that continuously dripped on her long white kimono with large sleeves and a lilac floral sash. 

She looked so frightened as I peeked inside her room that it made her flinch, but after a few seconds she instantly darted over to me and locked me in a terrified embrace as she sobbed into my chest. She seemed so innocent and kind, I just wonder what is it that made her break down like that...

"Please save me..." Her muffled voice softly rang out.

"Huh..? What was that..?"

"Please save me.. I'm so tired... Rui keeps mocking me for being weaker than he expected, and he makes Father abuse me almost every night... I'm constantly beaten and tortured, I feel so scared.. Please help me..." She continued as another outburst of tears hit her at full force.

"Oh dear... Is that so.. I'll have a word with Rui, then..." I quietly mumbled under my breath as I hugged her tighter and stroked her luscious white hair while she pressed up against me. 


"You will..? Really..? Thank you.."


"Wait.. How did you end up here..? Are you joining his family as well..?" She asked after a short pause as she lifted her head up and looked at me with such innocent eyes.

"Thankfully I'm not, but Rui offered me to join. I refused but agreed to spend some time with him, and he let me explore his house, and then ran into you crying."

"Are you here alone..? Because if you are, run... Or he'll force you to join.."

"No need, I'm one of the Twelve Kizuki, Lower moon 1 to be precise, and I'm here with another member of the Lower moons, so I'm safe. Don't worry." I said as I pat her head.


"Please don't leave me here, you're such a kind demon, you remind me of someone who loved when I was a human... I'm begging you, save me from this horror..."

"Hm..? I remind you of your beloved..?"

"Mhm... I was loved and cherished by that person. But then I was turned into a demon and I lost them, they died in a rather bloody manner... I took up residence at the Natagumo Mountain, and then Rui found me and convinced me to join his bond. He forced me to transform myself to look like him and become his fake family. I play as the mother, but my mentality isn't made for a parental figure, therefore I'm unfit for this role, and I met with chastise and abuse from both Rui and the Father because of that.'

 "Oh my I'm so sorry.. Well.. I'm flattered that I remind you of someone you loved in the past, but I'm certainly not the nicest demon out there..~ ... I'll go talk to Rui. Come with me, I won't let him hurt you." I said as she let out a quiet eep when I took her hand.


I walked out of her room and made my way outside, climbing around the confined corridors and passageways. As we made it to the entrance, she stopped midway and clutched onto my sleeve as anxiety shot right through her. She seemed so vulnerable and terrified to face her fake son... I leaned over and locked her in a warm embrace, reassuring and comforting her, after what she wiped her tears away and grasped my hand as both of us revealed ourselves to Rui's and Enmu's eyes.






"Listen to me. Just because you're one of the twelve kizuki doesn't mean you have more power over your pretend-family, so don't mock them for being weaker than you. I'm telling you as someone who had a complex relationship with my family in the past as well, and even though hate and disappointment reigned around me all the time, my family never stopped loving me. A healthy bond builds up from respect and support. So if you think that torture is the way out, let me tell you, it isn't. No matter how much you disagree." 

Enmu stood in shock as he listened to me deliver my speech, he never saw the soft side for others in me before, in fact I didn't know I was still capable of feeling pity for others... Rui's eyes widened in rage as he stared at his mother, who hid behind my back and quietly sniffled.

"... It's still not my fault that my family is made up of weaklings."

"Rui, did you even hear what I just said? If you want a healthy family, you must support them, and they'll treat you nice in return."

He fell silent, overflowing with fury as he burned me with his deadly gaze. He stood motionlessly and quivered on the spot with annoyance as he pulled his arms out, ready to launch his durable threads at me and slice me in half until Enmu grasped his hand, squeezing it so hard that it caused his wrist to bleed. 

He retreated with anger and watched Enmu dart over to me and take my hand, protecting the young woman behind me. Pure silence is the only sound that was heard in this forest, and the dusty moon shone down on his house and set its spotlight on us. I continued stroking the poor girl's shoulder as she hid behind me. Rui's eyes indicated danger to both me and her, and I was ready to dodge his attack if he was going to try and hurt us.

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