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Dressing quickly, I briskly walked out of the house and went to the other side of the mountain. I began to gently descend down, where I could see a small village.  I did not pay attention to the view, as I carefully went down, I looked at my feet so I wouldn't stumble and fall. I was already close to the village, climbing down, I went straight to a row of houses. 

Passing the small buildings, I came out to the path, instead of following it, I headed straight where the field was. It was surrounded by the same wooden fence on which Muichiro and I first met... The sun had only recently set, and I watched a light mist rise up. Without staying for too long, I climbed off the fence and headed towards Muichiro's house. Approaching his door, I tried to open it. His door was never locked as he forgot to close it, but not this time. The door was locked. Heck. He's not home.

I turned around and started walking with a blank face. Having reached the end of the village, I decided to go around the mountain through the forest and walk to the city. I walked without stopping, it was completely silent, before I heard a girl's voice... Coming closer, I saw  2 demon slayers, which looked a lot like the Hashira. One of them was a girl with wavy pink hair turning light green near the tips with beautiful braids. She wore a short white haori and light green striped stockings. She seemed very outgoing and positive. She constantly rushed from side to side and asked a million questions to her partner, who was Muichiro.

He hasn't really changed since the last time I saw him. He walked quietly without saying a word, but he seemed a little annoyed. I just started watching them. 

"Listen, you and I are a great team! Let's always walk together?" The girl exclaimed. 

"Yeah." Her partner answered without unnecessary emotions. 

"Haha! Really?!"


His manner of communication was still the same - emotionless, sarcastic, and off too familiar. 

"Whoa... Okayyyyy... By the way!! What do you want me to call you, is there a specific nickname you like??" She asked.


"Just Muichiro? Ugh, maybe Chiro or Mui-chan?~"

He suddenly stopped and turned his head in her direction. In surprise, the girl gasped when she found his cold gaze on herself. 

"Leave me alone."

He continued walking, leaving her behind, but literally a few seconds later the girl followed him, saying:

"Okay, okay, I get it, that's it! Mouth shut! Consider that I'm not here! Absolutely!" 

They began to go deeper into the forest. I decided to follow them.

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