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Warning! This chapter might be a little rough on some people. I don't want to spoil it but there will be a 'minor' scene of  sexual harassment/assault towards the end of the chapter.

I love you guys ❤️

Friday finally came around.

The rest of the week was pretty uneventful. You finally finished that fantasy manuscript Kylo wanted, but he told you through a relatively nice email that he'll go through it with you on Friday. Kylo wasn't in for the last two days, and you were glad.

You felt like you could finally breathe with him not in the office. Adeline took his spot, and you couldn't be happier. You didn't know why Kylo wasn't in, but you weren't going to ask questions.

You didn't really care.

Having said that, Adeline was quiet the whole time she was at work. She rarely left her office unless she was needed downstairs.

You didn't want to pry into her life. You figured Kylo was making her just as miserable as you were.

Ben was at home sick. He hadn't been well yesterday but he still went to work. The poor thing gets migraines, but only when he's stressed about things.

He would always suffer with migraines around finals whilst at university.

You just didn't know what was causing these bouts of migraines. You didn't know what he was stressing about.

You and your group of friends had decided to go to the closest bar to celebrate you and Ben's new job, but now that's changed. Ben told you he'd drop you off and pick you up, but he wouldn't hang around.

You felt bad leaving Ben at home alone to fend for himself, but you haven't seen your friends since you graduated.

You had been at work for a few hours, diving into the other romance manuscript Kylo had given you at the start of the week. You were glad it was something that you were interested in. The fantasy manuscript was good, but it's not your genre you usually go for. It would definitely be good enough to be published for other people, though.

"What are you up to?"

Ava's sweet voice startled you as she leant down beside you. You tore your eyes from your screen to look up at her. "Just starting this other manuscript," you smiled.

"Did you want a coffee? I'm going to get one." She adjusted her pony tail and pursed her lips, glancing back at Kylo's office. "I'm not offering him one."

"I'm good, thank you. And yeah, I wouldn't bother." You giggled.

Kylo was yet to leave his office since he walked in this morning. He walked straight passed you without even sending you a glance before he shut himself away in his office.

Not that you really cared.

Occasionally a few men would walk passed you and enter Kylo's office. They wore sleek, black suits and wore ear pieces and black sunglasses. You figured they weren't clients of Kylo's, but perhaps they were some of his workers.

Or bodyguards.

Knowing that both Kylo and Adeline were stupidly wealthy, perhaps having bodyguards wasn't such a bad idea.

"Right well I'm gonna go. Super busy in sales today," she sighed. "I'll see you at lunch."

You nodded. "I'll see you then." You said, another smile touching your lips.

As Ava began to walk away, the sound of a new email brought your attention to your computer.

It was an email from Kylo. Without looking, you expected him to have sent you more manuscripts. But when you clicked on the notification you couldn't help but frown.

Torn / Kylo|Ben x Reader Where stories live. Discover now