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Monday rolled around pretty quickly after Ben and Kylo's birthday party.

You and Ben spent majority of the morning fucking or swimming in Kylo's heated pool. Although you did feel a little bad using his pool without him there, Ben reassured you that Kylo probably wouldn't give a shit and has probably never swam in it anyways.

You and Ben waited around after Ben messaged Kylo, saying that the three of you could go out for lunch or dinner, but Kylo sent back a pretty blunt message saying he was busy.

You weren't sure whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. You weren't sure how awkward a meal would be with the two of them after what occurred the night before.

Needless to say, Ben was still a little disappointed that he couldn't take his brother out for a proper birthday dinner.

After Kylo declined Ben's offer, not long after, Leia called Ben wanting to see the two of you and make a special dinner. Leia's famous roast beef was Ben's all time favourite.

The night was going pretty smoothly until Kylo was brought up.

Ben mentioned to his parents that the two of you threw together a small party with your friends for him. Leia and Han didn't really seem all that interested in it. All they asked about was if he was 'ok'.

You hated to admit that their coldness towards their other son sent a pang of sadness through your chest. Sure, Kylo wasn't the nicest guy wandering around New York. But he was still their son. And they didn't seem to care at all for him.

You noticed that Ben was taken back a little when they brushed the conversation about Kylo off, too.

You and Ben didn't speak much more about what happened between the two of you and Kylo. You preferred to keep it that way. You didn't want to keep thinking about it. Although it was something anyone could've dreamed of, the guilt still weighed heavily on your chest.

Your day at work started off pretty slow. You were nearly late to work because you couldn't find any Ubers. Your car was still at the mechanic. It had been there for over a week. You had made numerous calls, asking about whether or not you could pick it up, but they either didn't answer, or they were still working on it. The car was that old it'd probably be easier to take it to the wreckers and buy a newer one. But unfortunately, most of your wages were going towards your rent. You didn't have enough to go out and buy a new car.

Ben offered for you to take his car and he'd Uber to work, but you told him no. His workplace was further away, after all.

You made your way up to your floor without running into Kylo or Adeline. And when you finally got to your desk, Ava told you that the two of them had a few meetings scheduled throughout the day.

As you went through the manuscript Kylo had emailed you the week before, your mind kept wandering back to seeing Kylo on Saturday morning.

He looked terrible. You weren't going to tell him that, though. The dark circles under his eyes made it look like he had been punched in the face. His skin and eyes were dull. He definitely made up for it with the expensive outfit he was wearing.

But your heart still hurt seeing him looking so exhausted. You knew he wasn't sleeping well. He must've been having those nightmares again.

You were just confused as to why he was doing 'work' on a Saturday. Nothing was open, unless he had a private meeting to attend. But even then, who waits until the weekend for a work meeting?

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