•brotherly love•

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Warning! This chapter will mention the use of illicit substances and the effects of it and touches on poor mental health (anxiety and depression). If this doesn't sit well with you, please do not read.

I'm also going to say now, that this book is going to get pretty dark as we progress.

Drug and alcohol abuse are going to be pretty common themes as well as physical, emotional and sometimes, sexual abuse.

It is going to be a pretty emotionally heavy book, and if you cannot stomach it, then that is completely fine. I'm in no way trying to romanticise and glamorise these themes and I hope this book does not come off like that. This book is purely fictional and the content in this book will be exaggerated as such.

I just wanted to give another heads up before we really dive into this book. Again, if this book and kinda content isn't your thing, that's ok. I want to make this a safe space for everyone.

I love you.


"It's good to finally catch up with you, Ky."

Kylo stared at his brother across the table, his knee bouncing underneath the wooden table that the two of them were sitting at.

Ben messaged Kylo wanting to catch up. He had been hounding him for a while ever since that weird dinner weeks ago. Kylo was reluctant, of course.

He hadn't seen his brother in years. Their little conversation after that dinner was bad enough. There was nothing the two of them could really talk about. They were so different.

Kylo was busy with work, inside and outside the office, so finding the time to sit down at a bar with Ben had been hard. Kylo's mind was elsewhere, it had been for the whole week ever since he kicked you out of his penthouse when Hux arrived.

He knew that he was Ben's boss. And he knew how shady Hux could be. He was relieved that neither you or Hux knew each other. That would've been a fucking nightmare.

"What are you having?" Ben glanced up at Kylo again, growing frustrated that his brother was so absent.

Kylo sighed and glanced at the menu. They were at a usual, dodgy bar on a Thursday night that served pretty decent steaks.

"Probably the steak."

"Yeah." Ben took a sip of his beer. "It does sound good."

"Yeah." Kylo shifted uncomfortably in the booth. He was unbelievably hot but it was cold outside. He chose to wear his dark jeans and a deep burgundy sweater along with a black pair of Air Jordan's. He felt on edge. The guilt was eating away at him. Ben had no idea what was going on between you and him.

Did Kylo enjoy hearing his brother cum over the phone? No. Not particularly. But for some sick reason he kept making up stupid scenarios in his head.

He could imagine him and his brother fucking you. Ruining you. Tearing you apart, tearing you open. He'd make you cry, that's for sure.

Kylo shifted when he felt his cock twitch.

"So..." Ben sighed.

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