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A couple weeks had passed since the very awkward dinner you shared with your bosses and friends.

Ben was knuckling down on his book. He spent most of his time when he wasn't at work on the couch typing away. He wasn't one to leave things unfinished. When he needs to do something, he wants to get it over and done with.

You on the other hand, had multiple manuscripts to go through. There weren't any urgent deadlines to meet, so at least it wasn't 'busy'. You could take your time with your work.

You hadn't seen much of Kylo since having dinner with him. Adeline was the one to give you the manuscripts, not him.

You only ever saw Kylo when he would walk passed you to head into or out of his office. He didn't speak a word to you, but every time you caught his eye, the two of you would freeze for a moment. You tried your best to ignore him, but it was difficult to do so.

His presence always had a restrictive hold on you. Sometimes, you could feel he eyes on the back of your head as you worked at your desk. You hated the fact he could see you from his office, but you couldn't see him.

Ben told you about the little conversation he and Kylo had whilst the rest of you made your way down from the restaurant. You were surprised that no violence was involved. Ben told you that he didn't talk much. But you were glad, in a way, that the two of them even spoke in the first place.

Part of you still felt incredibly sick that you and Kylo went behind Ben's back. And what was worse, is that you were craving him. You were craving that painful stretch of Kylo's cock. You hadn't acted on it in weeks, and you were grateful that Kylo hadn't either. You knew you couldn't go through that again.

Ben didn't deserve that. Once was enough. It shouldn't have happened in the first place.

But you and Ben hadn't had sex since that day you all went out for dinner. He had been so busy with work, even when he was at home, to even think about sex. A few times you stayed up in the living room, letting Ben have some quiet time in bed to write, and when you would go in, he was often fast asleep, his laptop still open and his reading glasses still sitting on that huge nose of his.

You knew this would happen every now and then. You knew the two of you would get busy and sex wouldn't be at the forefront of your minds. You would often try and persuade him when he had been working for hours over the weekend. But he would brush you off—nicely of course—before he went straight back to work. You weren't going to push it. You knew he wanted to get ahead of his book. And you were proud of him and what he was doing.

But fuck.

What made it worse was that Ben was going to his parents place tonight because Han had been unwell. Leia needed Ben to help out a little around the house and help her care for Han. She sounded exhausted over the phone. Han wasn't terribly ill, but he was hard to live with at times. Especially if he was sick. As they're getting older, Han is struggling with the fact that he can't do as much as he liked to.

He said he'd stay the night and work throughout the day there. Some usual work needed to be done around the house like fixing some leaky pipes, changing some light globes. Cleaning.

Of course Ben asked you and you didn't hesitate to wave him off. His family needed him. You knew you would manage on your own for the weekend.

Now, it was a Friday. You had a couple more hours of work left. Adeline had taken her leave early, after she told you an important meeting was occurring the following week and she wanted you there. You had no idea why, but she told you that you were a valuable member to her team and wanted your input on a few things. You had only worked there a month or so, having only done a handful of manuscripts, and she wanted your input?

Torn / Kylo|Ben x Reader Where stories live. Discover now