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Imagine finding out about Remus being a werewolf and him thinking you want to leave him because of that.

The hospital wing was quiet, and you could hear the faint sound of the rain outside. When you had emerged from the hospital door and hurried straight to Remus, all the Marauders in the room were shocked. They all knew why you were there, and they all looked at Remus, who had immediately tried to hide his scars from you the minute he realized who you were.

Remus had tried so hard to hide his condition from you with all kinds of excuses all these years, but you had figured it out anyway. It wasn't too hard in the end, with actually paying thought on all those scars and how he was sick every time just after the full moon - it had just clicked. And you perfectly understood why he didn't want to tell you. He was fearing you would judge him - as the majority of the students probably would.

And as you sat down on Remus's bed, you took his hand and began to draw slow, comforting circles on his hand, but he just turned his head to the side, away from you. He was ashamed because you had to see him like that.

You sighed, and turned your head towards the rest of the gang. "Guys, can you leave us for a moment? Please?"

They glanced at each other with doubtful looks, but complied anyway, slowly standing up and walking out. The heavy door let out a faint bang which echoed throughout the otherwise empty hospital wing.

Both of you were silent for a moment, but then you saw Remus swallow and open his mouth. "You're gonna leave me, aren't you?"

You sighed and shook your head. "Why would I leave you?"

Silence again, before Remus swallowed again and this time, his voice came out to be broken and scared. "Because I'm a monster. Because I could hurt you. Because-"

Before he could finish, you grabbed his face and gave him a tender kiss. After you pulled away, you pressed your forehead on his own, feeling his tears against your thumbs.

"Remus, I would never leave you. Especially not because of a reason you can't help. Being a werewolf is part of you - and I'm willing to accept it."


"No buts. Listen, Remus. I wouldn't leave you even if the wolf inside you bit me. I know it wouldn't be you in that moment. I'll always be with you, if you just want to have me."

Silence engulfed you both once again, but then Remus slowly brought his hand behind your head, and pulled you to rest on his chest.

"I love you, Y/N", he whispered, and you smiled.

"I love you too."

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