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Prompts: "I would have never believed that one day we'd be so close." and "Can I hug you?"

Warnings: angsty in the beginning

Word count: 450

Draco was doubting himself. He didn't want to kill Dumbledore, but if he didn't, Voldemort would punish him by killing him... or his mother. Or father, or whoever Draco held close to himself. He gripped the edges of the sink in the bathroom and let the tears fall, no one would be hearing, no one would come out to help him.

What if he would fail?

Everything would be over if he'd fail.

"Draco?" you called, seeing him crying over the sink. You had never seen him cry. He had made you cry a couple times before, but those days were long gone. He still wasn't your friend to be exact, but you could talk and joke and hang out sometimes without being friends.

And in some ways you cared about him. You didn't approve his ideals or how he bullied Harry Potter and his friends, but him as a person... it felt like it all of his bullying and pureblood ideals was an act and he didn't really think like that.

Draco stopped crying on that second and his gaze shot to the mirror to see you standing behind him. "What do you want, L/N?"

"I... are you okay?" you inquired, and Draco turned his face away from the mirror, hiding his face from you.

"I'm fine, you can go."

You sighed, and took a few more steps towards him. "You don't sound fine."

"I just said I'm fine, just go!"

You stopped walking and chewed your lip for a moment. "Can I hug you?"

Draco turned to look like you, looking like he wasn't sure if he heard you right. "What?"

"You look like you need a hug. So... can I hug you?" you repeated and Draco glanced around him. A hug sounded like a good idea - it's just that he was never hugged by anyone else than his mom and hugging his classmate sounded... weird. But he just let you come forward and hug him, even though he didn't hug you back.

After some time of holding him you felt his breathing steadying and his heartbeat slowing down. "See, all better."

"Yeah... you're right." he rubbed his neck. "Thanks, Y/N."

You smiled at him. "I would have never believed that one day we'd be so close. I mean, here I am hugging you and calming you down."

Draco shrugged. "Well, everything is possible in Hogwarts I guess."

His anxiety hadn't gone for much better for reasons you didn't know, but on that moment, it almost disappeared, for just a moment. And that moment would stay with Draco for a long time - how you of all people chose to comfort him.

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