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The reader is a female!

Warnings: death

Curses had been bouncing from the walls all around you - the school you had so dearly loved for seven years, was in pieces and a place of terror. And now Voldemort had given them one hour to take their dead away and give him Harry.

Harry Potter. The boy who lived. He was supposed to be the savior - and you knew he would save you all in the end. You'd get to see little Teddy grow and your sister smiling every day as Teddy learned to walk and talk - and she'd be finally happy with Remus.

You had been wary of Remus when you first saw him - he was a lot older than your sister, and his condition made him look even older. And that condition - what if he hurt your sister? But you had soon learned to see past those, and seeing how happy they were together, you had gladly accepted Remus in the family. And now you'd get to them, you'd get to hug your sister, you'd get to make a plan if you had a way to trick Voldemort.

But as you stepped into the great hall, Madam Sprout - with her red face and swollen eyes, ran to you and stopped you from going any further. She was whispering to you - words you hadn't even thought to hear, words you hadn't agreed to believe to happen - you had been so sure, but now your world was slowly crumpling down. Sprout, that bitch, was lying!

"No, no, no, no. Don't lie to me!" you screamed as you pushed Madam Sprout away, and ran towards the back of the Great Hall. But upon seeing your sister and Lupin lying there, your sister reaching out to Lupin as if her last act of love towards him - your worst fears came true.

It was the worst kind of nightmare ever, as you fell on your knees on the hard stone floor and let out a cry - a cry that made everyone feel your agony. You heard people crying around you as well, you saw Bill Weasley with his family on your left, as they all were gathered around someone, but you didn't care.

Your sister had been taken away from you, and that would never change.

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