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Imagine meeting Newt after you rescue a creature together and falling in love afterwards.

The reader is a female!

"He seems to like you." the man muttered and smiled warmly as you held that blue monkey in your hands. You smiled back at him, glancing at the monkey that was now making itself comfortable against your jacket. There was a brief silence, before you lifted your gaze up into his eyes.

"I'm... I never introduced myself. I'm Y/N L/N." you offered your free hand which wasn't holding the monkey in place and the man stared at it for a moment, before he took it.

"Newt Scamander. It's very nice to meet you. And thank you for helping me save that creature - he's endangered species." he smiled briefly, and looked around to make sure there wasn't anyone around. "Let's take that little guy home. Would you join me?"

You watched as Newt opened his case and on the next moment, he was walking inside it. You couldn't say you were shocked - but you were surprised a little, thinking that case would only hold some supplies a magizoologist would need.

So you followed him - and that was the story of how you met.

You sighed, watching Newt tending his Occamys with such care you had never seen with anyone else. After you had met, you had become his assistant not long after that as you had befriended him. And that friendship had developed into love.

So now you watched him checking on the Occamys, smiling at them as he let one down and picked up the next one. And you remembered why you had fallen in love with him - no wizard or witch on earth was so caring and kind. He wasn't as good with humans, but with you, he could be completely himself. And he treasured you for that, as you treasured him too.

HARRY POTTER X READERS [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now