Children's Stories [Remus Lupin]

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Request: "Hey!! I saw you asking for more requests so here I am 🙌🏻 can I request a young! Remus having a crush on a Ravenclaw reader imagine ? And omg you need to teach us how to go through the requests so FAST😍💙"

Fandom: Harry Potter, Remus Lupin x reader

Warnings: A bit of angst

A/N: For once, the rest of the story idea came from nowhere and so did the title :D And this came out to be a looooong boi but hey, what can I say, I'm a huge sucker for young!Remus.

Word count: 1,368


How you always managed to have that incredibly pretty smile on your face?

That was the only thing Remus Lupin could think about when he looked at you in the classroom. You smiled brightly as the teacher praised how good you did on the test and your fellow Ravenclaw housemates pat you on your back, congratulating you. He wanted to congratulate you too, and before, he would have done that.

But... he had a problem with it this time.

You now knew about his "furry little problem", you had figured it out after Remus had continuously been off from school for these four years and always right on time with the full moon and after he came back, he was on bruises and sometimes he had new scars on his body. He was ashamed of it and didn't dare to talk to you anymore, even when you had tried to talk to him. He always ran off, when you approached him. He didn't feel like Gryffindor when doing that, but he thought it was for the best. And eventually, you didn't even try to talk to Remus.

Remus also had a massive crush on you, and to him, it felt awful to abandon you. He adored you so much and he wanted to tell it to you.

But he couldn't. Not anymore. His chance had passed. He should've told you before you had realized he was a... werewolf. A monster, as he referred to himself. And now he had sat on the common room couch, everyone else was upstairs except for the four pranksters, who were gossiping all about the latest things happening in Hogwarts.

"...she couldn't say anything to it. I shut her mouth for once!" James exclaimed, threw his hands to the air and laid back on the sofa, staring at the roof.

"Moony, you've been off the whole day." Sirius said and he bumped him a bit with his elbow. And after a moment of silence, Sirius sighed and took another Bertie Botts bean from the pack, but didn't put it in his mouth just yet. "Is it L/N again?"

"Look, mate. Y/N wants to talk to you. She isn't like she's just going to say how awful and unnatural you are. That's what Malfoy would say, but Y/N? No bloody way." James said as he chewed one of the Bertie Botts and seemed satisfied. It had been lime.

Sirius's face twisted, he coughed and James snorted at him. Vomit.

"I agree with Prongs. And Moony, if L/N will be your own little sweetie-pie, don't make out with her in front of us, please? It's gross." he said and they both looked at the small boy sitting on the armchair in the corner of the common room, he was picking his nails, completely unaware what his friends were talking about.

"Wormtail? Say something." James said to him, rather with a harsh voice and the boy flinched.


"Did you hear what we were talking about? Moony here has a girl problem!"


"Moony has a girl problem?"

"No, I don't, please st-"

"Stop harassing Remus." Lily had appeared to the common room and put her books down. She walked in front of Remus and gave him a little note.

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