7|| They Were My Friends, Right?

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So in this chapter, we have some more physical torture. I'll put lines around it like in the past two chapters if you want to skip <3 


~~~~ Tommy's P.O.V ~~~~

I pace my bedroom with hurried, agitated steps. I huff and run my hands through my hair as the snow outside pelts down on the house. Fundy, Quackity and Tubbo had been snowed in at L'Manburg and wouldn't be back for a while. If I needed someone right now it was Big Q and Tubbo. I needed to loosen up, I needed to laugh. But every time I did I felt guilty. 

The time I spent messing around could be spent looking for Y/N. Dream has made no fucking progress since he became a spy. He keeps saying "the time will come" or some other bullshit like that. I don't believe him for a second. Winter is at its thickest, in a few weeks it won't be. It's made looking for Y/N next to impossible but we can't stop. What if we stopped whilst the snow was bad and she died? It would be our fault. It would be Dream's fault. 

I heard from Fundy that Dream's boss, that Seth guy, was gaining more influence. I don't understand why Tubbo didn't just kick him out straight away. Dream doesn't even bloody talk to the man, he just sits around with Gogy all day in the castle. 

Dream has done nothing but sit around and tend to his precious George. I clench my fists and plonk down on my bed. George is the King, he runs the SMP, so why is Dream still running everything behind the scenes. It didn't make any fucking sense. Gorge has barely done anything! He's done so little as King, that he got bored and went off and built a fucking summer house. 

I sit and watch the snowfall through my bedroom window. What if Y/N is out there in the snow? Is she even alive? Tears threaten to fall but I shove them away. Big men don't cry. I hastily stand and cross the room to a chest I had shoved into the corner. I force it open and rifle through its contents until I find what I'm looking for. I hold the object in my hand. I don't stop to come up with a plan.  

I clench the object tightly in my hand and watch the world outside my window. My patience waned but finally, the snow stopped falling. I don't hesitate, the thoughts in my mind didn't falter. My conviction refused to waver. I stand up straighter and head down the hallway. 

I go downstairs looking for Niki. I check the living room and see Niki napping on the couch. I turn to leave but stop for a moment. I feel a pang of sympathy and groan. Father always told me I had to look after women, and other guys of course, but gentlemanly things mostly applied to helping women. Well, the ones I remembered anyway. 

I sigh and get a blanket from a chest in the corner. I throw it over her and shove another log into the dying fireplace hoping it will stay alive until I get back. I don't want Niki to be in a cold lonely house when she woke up. I head to the front door and pull on my snow boots and red and white snow jacket. I cast one last glance behind me before opening the door and stepping out onto the verandah. 

I round the corner and see Spots sitting quietly in his stall. We usually only take Percy out because of his size and thick coat. Snow posed no problem for him but I needed speed today. The snow wasn't too deep, and Spots was much faster than Percy. I get a thick blanket and saddle him quickly. Spots can sense my anxiousness and I have trouble keeping him still. I eventually lead him out and hop into his back. I kick him into a run and ride into the forest of giant twigs but don't head to L'Manburg, or my base. I hit the edge of our section of the forest and then go left towards the nether portal. I don't know exactly where my destination is, but I'd heard enough from the others to know the general direction. 

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