18 || Travellers

587 29 9


This is a long one guys, buckle in and grab the popcorn <3


~~~~ Tubbo's P.O.V ~~~~

"So basically, George has been dethroned."

My head snaps up the second the words leave Quackity's mouth. 

"What?" I question.
"By Dream?"
"Yes, Dream dethroned George and Eret is now king again of the SMP,"

I stand up from my desk and walk around it to talk to Big Q properly. We were in my office preparing for the confrontation, needless to say, we were a mess. 

"I don't understand why that man doesn't just become the king himself," I mumble in thought and bring my hand to my chin. I rub my eyes trying to force myself to wake up. 

I'm glad I spent time with Niki, I needed that. Time away. It didn't do for my worries much but going back to a place where I don't have to be the president was refreshing. Sleeping in my room rather than the spare room in the Community house was comforting. 

Niki also helped me come to some conclusions about what I should do about the exile. I could only see one option really, but it was the last thing I wanted to do. 

The door opens and Fundy enters; his arms are full of papers. I knew some of them were for me to go through later and others were blank for the meeting with Dream. 

"Fundy, great timing. I'm going to make this short, Geroge has been dethroned, Eret is king again," Big Q relays the message again. 

Fundy hesitates as he sets the papers down on the desk. 

"Wait what?" Fundy doesn't seem to process Quackity's words. 
"That was my reaction as well!" I exclaim. 
"But this whole thing started because George was king," Fundy speaks out thoughts aloud. 

"Yes, but there's not much we can do about that now. Do we know why he was dethroned?" I ask. 
"Yeah, so what happened was George has been experiencing a lot of attacks from public and private domains. There was actually an attack by Technoblade a while ago as well as many townspeople from the SMP protesting his kingship. Dream claimed that he was dethroning George because he wanted him to be safe," Big Q explained. I furrow my brows in confusion. 

"But Dream said he didn't care about anything except Tommy's discs, he barely even mentions Y/N anymore," Fundy points out. I feel a weight settle on my chest as soon as Y/N's name is mentioned. Her search has been on hold for a few days whilst we dealt with the exile conflict. Guilt is a fickle feeling, it always seems to come up exactly when you don't want it to. 

"Exactly, that's when Sapnap and George took a stand. They've left the country, I don't know where they are at the moment," I run a hand through my hair absentmindedly whilst Quackity explained everything to Fundy. 

This was bad. Dream hadn't spoken to me about this. Was this his idea? Or was it Seth pulling the strings? If it was Seth, his goal would be to weaken the SMP, so he would want Dream to instate himself as King, not bring Eret back. Did Dream do this on his own?

"I still don't understand why we're fighting then," Fundy says. 
"He's probably upset about the Spirit situation. I am a bit upset about it too. Big Q I know your thoughts on the issue. Tommy thinks so much with emotion and forgets that he needs to consider more than what's black and white," I sigh and the boys nod.

Forget-Me-Not (dreamxreader)Where stories live. Discover now