19 || Exile

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Also, didn't really proofread this time so if you see errors feel free to point them out and I can fix them!!!


The caravan rattles making the hanging plant on the window to my left sway gently. Sunlight creeps through the shut patchwork curtains warming up a singular stripe across my hand. The small slit allows me a glimpse of where we are. The road is elevated slightly from the plains and trees dot the horizon. We lost sight of the city sometime yesterday. 

The muffled chorus of Lorelei and Ranboo's laughter slips through the cracks in the wood at the front of the main caravan. The carriage is silent besides the occasional flip of the pages in Myles' book. Myles was a little bit strange. 

The first time I met him I was struck by the deep crimson colour of his eyes. 
"Were you born with red eyes?" I had asked. He only nodded quietly. I hope Lorelei was right when she reassured me that he would warm up to me, it's very awkward. 

Ranboo and Myles got along like a house on fire, as did Lorelei and I. But Lorelei seems to bring laughter and joy out of everyone she touches. Her infectious positive energy and cheeky nature were perfect in every way. Myles and I however hadn't found a way to click yet. Ranboo said that we both fall into thought too easily and disappear and that's why we don't talk. I just think that I need to be braver. 

Ranboo was right about thought though, there was one that hadn't left my mind at all today. I awoke this morning with a twitching hand.
We'd slept in the second carriage of the caravan. It seemed to be the carriage where Lorelei and Myles kept their things as well as slept. Two beds faced one another with their heads against the shorter walls of the carriage. 

It was so cramped that the sides of the beds touched the walls. Since there were only two, Lorelei and Myles shared one and Ranboo and I shared another. We woke up yesterday and Lorelei and Myles were already gone, they were sitting around a small campfire outside making bacon for the four of us. 

As we sat together my fingers kept twitching about. There were images in my mind too. Images of drawing on paper, a quill or a pencil fitting snugly in my palm. The smell of feathers and oak wood. The sensation of warm sunlight on the back of my neck. It was incredibly familiar, as was the journal I kept seeing in my mind's eye. 

I assume it was my journal. The voices seemed to come alive as I tried to picture the journal and what was inside its pages. I have a vague memory of recipes, potion ingredient notes and drawings. I especially remember the drawings. 

I couldn't help but wonder where that journal was now. 

~~~~ Tommy's P.O.V ~~~~

It's hard to believe I've only been here a day. Dream forced me here in a boat across the sea. I didn't know he knew how to sail. The sea salt was the most revolting smell and it continues to haunt me even though I'd set my tent down away from the shoreline. The rocking of the waves made me feel ill and Dream's silence only served to piss me off. 

He dumped me on a beach with a tent and a bag of dried beef so I wouldn't starve to death. The tent was more of a tarp with three poles, some rope and pegs. I looked around, there was nothing. No villages to be seen, no smoke from a chimney in the distance and no roads anywhere. I'd spent all of yesterday exploring, hoping that I would find a way home. But there was nothing. Dream knew exactly where I was, but nobody else did. 

I stand up from where I'm crouched inside my tent. Dream said I should build something better than the tent. I told him to fuck off and that I wouldn't be here forever. 

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