51 || Return

254 21 23



My feet thunder down the prime path with the following booms of Ranboo, Sapnap and George's footsteps close behind me. My axe is comfortingly heavy in my hand, as is the weight of my crown and armour. People watch us as we pass them, they all knew where we are headed. 

Why the fuck is this happening now? Is all I can think, is all the voices will speak. Of all things to come up today, this was the last on the list. Whoever this woman is, she's formidable and has nerves of steel. Kidnapping Schlatt? We ruled out that option a long time ago. It was too risky, his defences too strong and too many.  

The crowds thicken so much we're practically shoving people out of the way. Confused and infuriated voices thicken the air making it feel like soup. I peek over shoulders to spot Tommy and Tubbo trying their best to control the front of the pushing and shouting crowd.  

"MOVE PEOPLE!" Sapnap's voice booms but our authority means nothing to the angry mob. 

"MURDERER! VILLAIN! BASTARD!" I hear people shouting. We break through to the front after shoving through what felt like hundreds of civilians. 

The first thing I see is Schlatt. Ranboo takes a sharp breath beside me. Schlatt's head was in a bag, but that didn't stop the blood from seeping through it on the side. His clothes are in tatters, tie loose and torn, suit jacket discarded, trousers muddied. Seeing him made something inside me want to hide and something else inside me want to swing my axe and cut off his head right then and there. His wrists and ankles were cuffed with the thickest iron chains I had ever seen. 

A/N: Image from interest <3

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A/N: Image from interest <3

Next, I see the woman, but she was more like a girl. I would even say that she was younger than Tommy if I could see her face. A hood and mask veiled her complexion. Only her eyes were visible. Green and almost glowing, she didn't quite seem human. 

Atop her massive black stallion, decked out brilliantly in Netherite armour, she was like an ant. Petite and fit, a great Netherite longsword on her back that gleamed with enchantments. 

For someone so young, she was incredibly intimidating. But there was something else too. I felt it radiate from her like heat from a stove. An incredible air of wisdom, far beyond the years of anybody here. Wisdom and great knowledge and something I couldn't place. I decide to be wary of it until I can be sure she's trustworthy. 

"What is your business here?" I ask her over the roar of the crowds. 

"I've captured Schlatt, and I'm handing him in obviously," she rolls her blazing green eyes. Her voice tweaks something familiar, but I don't bother to place it. I take a deep breath knowing that there's only one way to deal with the situation. 

Forget-Me-Not (dreamxreader)Where stories live. Discover now