20 || Execution || Part 1

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I wake to the sensation of sunlight warming my face. It takes a moment for me to push myself up so I can stretch. I reach my arms above my head and take in my surroundings. We all slept in the second caravan together since there were two beds. 

It was very similar to the front caravan. It was full of trinkets and warm colours, hanging plants, mismatched patchwork curtains and an open chest bursting with clothing. The difference was this caravan was a bit thinner and there was no table or wrap-around couch. Just the two beds facing one another. 

The room was so thin that either side of the mattress touched the wall and chests of supplies and belongings were kept under the beds. I look to my right and see Ranboo is still peacefully curled up in a deep sleep, as were Lorelei and Myles in their bed opposite me. All of them were buried under thick quilts or blankets made of wool or soft furs. 

I don't bother changing out of my checkered tracksuit pants and tank top, instead, I just pull one of Lorelei's thick sweaters over my shoulders. As I leave the caravan I smile at how comfy Lorelei and Myles looked cuddled together. Myles was resting his face in Lorelei's neck just under her chin and Lorelei's arms were protectively wrapped around his shoulders. 

I quickly shut the door behind me so as not to wake them with the cold air outside. I grab a mug, the kettle and relight the fire from last night to make some tea. We had camped out next to a giant lake that was so smooth and black it looked solid. But I knew if I touched the water I'd have hypothermia for months. 

I suddenly feel the pull that's been bugging me since we left the city. I sit down on a fold-out chair we'd left outside and the voices start talking to me. 

Follow it. 

"But I don't know where it goes-" I'm cut off by a sharp headache. I groan and press my free hand to my temple as images flash through my mind. Memories. 


"EY WOMEN AND FUNDY LOOK AT WHAT WE'VE MADE!" Tommy burst out the door with his arms full of the many strength potions he had just brewed. They wobbled about precariously as he rushed over to us. 

"Y/N Y/N Y/N WILBUR SAYS I HAVE A KNACK FOR POTION MAKING!" Tubbo runs out, arms full of various potions as well. I laugh and take some from him inspecting his work as Tommy picks up a bottle he'd accidentally dropped.

"These are well done Tubbo, just watch your Netherwart next time, I can see bits in the bottom." I give him some feedback I hope will help and swirl the glass around in front of my eyes to get a better look.

"Thanks for the advice Y/N!" He beams at me and I feel my heart swell.


I was finishing cleaning the last dishes when I heard someone crash through the back door.
"I SMELT FOOD!" Sapnap leant on the entryway his eyes wide and scanning the room, I laughed at the wildly silly look in his eyes.

"Sapnap slow down!" a puffed out George said behind him as he strode into the room and plopped down on a chair. I laughed again.

"You guys can't eat it yet, it's still probably really hot, there are two mini pies for each of us." I hadn't originally intended to give them any but I knew I couldn't eat it all on my own.

Forget-Me-Not (dreamxreader)Where stories live. Discover now